2023, 12/08 17:34 (409day) Posted
| 409day Updated
Added a function that automatically ends the broadcast when the user falls asleep if there is no mouse movement or speech for over an hour.
You can use it by turning on Coffret's "Details" > "Automatic end of broadcast when falling asleep".
Distribution will be automatically terminated when the following conditions are met.
・Mouse has not moved for more than 1 hour ・No speech has been made for more than 30 minutes (Coffret's "Tools" > "Voice Recognition Subtitles" is turned on)
・No comments for more than 10 minutes (regardless of broadcaster or viewer)
A warning will be displayed in the comment field 10 minutes before the specified time, and if 10 minutes pass without any of the above actions, the broadcast will automatically end.
Automatic termination using this function will not be penalized for neglected distribution.
Additionally, when this function is enabled, the function to report unattended broadcasts will be disabled.