2020, 03/09 02:10 (1646day) Posted
| 1646day Updated
kukuluLIVE dynamically determines the storage period for recordings based on the class of the broadcaster and the number of views of recordings.
Due to the increase in the number of distributions and the rise in image quality (bit rate), the amount of storage required per hour is increasing rapidly.
Adding and maintaining recording servers and storage is becoming difficult.
For this reason, only when the allocated Storage Server storage capacity is critical.
The storage period may be shorter than the indicated number of days.
These are done automatically and will return to the previous specification when sufficient storage is available.
(Permanent storage done on tickets will not be canceled)
Regarding the recording of important distributions, please overlay comments on the distribution video and save it locally on the OBS side.
Please consider uploading to YouTube etc. after distribution.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we ask for your understanding and cooperation.