2023, 09/03 20:28 (382day) Posted
| 376day Updated
・Added gem level benefits <br>For rooms where the owner is gem level 4 or 6 or higher, the number of original backgrounds registered will increase from 5 to a maximum of 20.
Rooms with multiple owners receive the highest level of benefits.
-Improved to inherit the old BAN list when creating a room <br>When creating a new room, the BAN list will now be inherited from the previous room you created.
There is no synchronization, so changes after creation are independent for each room.
・Room creators can now delete rooms at any time <br>Owners who are not room creators cannot delete rooms that have multiple logged-in owners.
If you are the room creator and owner, you can now delete the room even if there are multiple owners logged in.
・Room creators can now check the owner and remove permissions. <br>Only room creators can see the "owner list" on the entry page and can remove owner permissions at will.
・You can now check the information of the owner who was banned. <br>Records that have been banned after the update will now have the name of the owner who was banned on the "Ban List" page.
-Improved the local replay save function
In Chrome and Safari browsers, local replay saves will now write to files in real time.
It's now okay if your browser crashes or you exit without saving.
・You can now save server auto-save replays locally <br>Save this replay for server auto-save replays,
You can save it locally from the "Download" link at the bottom of the playback screen opened by "Open Replay".
- You can now close various windows with the ESC key. <br>You can now close range selections such as copying and merging, specifying the image pasting position, dialogs, etc. with the ESC key.