2020, 07/15 06:35 (1528day) Posted | 1524day Updated
・You can now change the detail mode of the eyedropper .
Changed to absorb color and transparency by default.

It is now possible to switch between the conventional mode of blotting only the color part and the mode of blotting with the color displayed on the screen as you like.

In the PC version, you can change the mode by pressing the eyedropper icon again in the eyedropper mode from the palette.

In the smartphone/tablet version, you can change the mode from the eyedropper settings icon.

<When absorbing RGBA(128,128,128,128)>
- Color and Transparency: Change the selected color to RGB(128,128,128) and 50% opacity.

- Absorb only the color part: Change the selected color to RGB (128,128,128).

- Absorb by display color: Changes the selected color to RGB(192,192,192) on a white background, and changes the selected color to RGB(64,64,64) on a black background. Change the opacity to 100%.
*Even if the background image is other than white, it will be composited with that color, so you can absorb the color as you see it.

・Improved the timing of picking up color from the dropper
This allows you to bring up the color preview circle while holding down the right click if you have the eyedropper set to right click in pen mode.

・Improved the "Paste image on canvas" function <br>In the past, only images of 800KB or less could be pasted, but now there is no size limit and it is now possible to paste any large image as it is.
Images larger than 800KB will be automatically compressed locally before being sent, resulting in lower image quality and resolution.

- Added pat pointer. Added ``pacifier'' and ``baby bottle.'' Also, the default hand size has been increased.

・Added shortcuts <br>You can now change the detailed mode of the eyedropper and the shape of the eraser from shortcut keys.

-Improved so that the lines are relatively smooth even on slow devices on Android

・Fixed an issue where the color could not be absorbed with the eyedropper when the uniform transparency pen drawing was not canceled.
-Fixed an issue where the image pasting function may not be available on IE or older Edge
Fixed an issue where touch response could be sluggish on mobile devices

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
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