2019, 08/13 02:30 (1991day) Posted | 1991day Updated
Microsoft support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020.
All support, including security patches, will be removed and the product's lifespan will end.
This makes it basically impossible to continue using it.

kukuluLIVE will be responding as follows from January 14, 2020.

・Remote support and response to questions, etc.
After January 14, 2020, only Windows 8.1 or later will be supported.

・KukuluLIVE live broadcast viewing
After January 14, 2020, viewing using Windows 7's Internet Explorer browser will no longer be possible.
Chrome and Firefox can be viewed on Windows 7, but operation is not verified.

・kukuluLIVE distribution
Coffret and Easy Setup can be used on Windows 7 after January 14, 2020, but
It will not be subject to operational verification, nor will bug fixes or configuration support be provided.

If you are using Windows 7 or 8 (unbranded), please update to Windows 10 as soon as possible.
You can update to Windows 10 for free, and you can also revert to the original state.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
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2019, 09
2019, 08
2019/08/13 kukuluLIVE About Windows 7 support deadline
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2019, 05

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