2019, 05/16 01:05 (2104day) Posted
| 2104day Updated
- Multiplexed time-shifted server clusters <br>In addition to the existing server cluster, we added another cluster of exactly the same servers.
Improves fault tolerance by automatically switching to the remaining cluster in the event of a failure.
It is no longer necessary to stop the recording progress of live broadcasts during maintenance.
The processing capacity has also doubled, making it more comfortable to use even during busy hours.
・We have extended the storage period for Time Shift. <br>As the storage has doubled (200TB) due to cluster multiplexing, we have extended the storage period for Time Shift.
Basic storage period (if the recording has not been played back at all): 30 days → 45 days Basic storage period (if the recording has been played back once or more): 50 days → 65 days Extension of storage period per recording and playback: 10 days → 15 days
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