2019, 05/05 17:29 (2038day) Posted | 847day Updated
The latest version of kukuluLIVE Coffret has been released.
This version includes the following changes:

-Added a variable (tag) for comment reading. <br>A new variable (tag) can now be used in Comments → Comment reading → Dialogue settings → Dialogue text.
For more information

-Added a variable (tag) for external transfer of comments <br>It is now possible to transfer the name of the handshake, distinguishing it from the identification number.
For more information

With this version update, your antivirus or SmartScreen may prevent Easy Setup from launching (until the new binaries are on safelists).
In that case, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please set the exclusion settings so that "Coffret.exe" can be executed properly.

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2019, 05
2019/05/05 kukuluLIVE kukuluLIVE Coffret update announcement
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