2019, 03/01 04:33 (2030day) Posted | 2030day Updated
Streamers can now create original scratch games that use streamer points.
You can easily create scratches using the emotion image as is, and you can freely set the price and winning amount.

If you have not yet set up broadcaster points, please complete the settings first.
After that, you can set the original scratch from the page below.

Streamer point management > Original scratch

Streamer points set in "Price" are required for each scratch.
If you set it to free, you will not be able to purchase it. (treated as being in preparation)

1.For the scratch pattern, press "Register scratch pattern from emotion" and a list of emotions you have will be displayed, so you can add your favorite one from here.
You can also use emotions created and acquired by others.

2.You can set the rarity (difficulty of appearing) of the added patterns.
If set to 1, it will appear with a probability of 1/total number of patterns when scratched, and if set to 10, it will appear with a probability of 1/(total number of patterns * 10).

3. You can set the name of the winning when the symbols match. Settings are optional.

4. You can set how many of the symbols must match to win, and how many streamer points will be awarded in that case.
Setting it to "0" will result in a loss. You can also set a negative value, in which case it can be confiscated.

To prevent purchases during setup, viewers will not be able to purchase your scratch unless you change the "Publishing Status" to "Available for Purchase."
If you change it to "Available for purchase", viewers can play Scratch from the viewing page or profile page of your stream.

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