2019, 08/10 04:20 (2017day) Posted
-Improved the PC version of the viewing player <br>The design has been improved, and the reconnect button and resize button are now embedded in the player.
Also, using the reconnect button no longer causes a play block.
In Timeshift, the current time is now displayed even when seeking.

・Improved the function of the comment block list (distributor)
For example, when you forget why you blocked someone,
You can now easily check the comment list of the distribution at that time.
You can check from the broadcast slot management page → list of past broadcasts → comment management → block.

・"Show numbers at the beginning of comments" is always on (Broadcaster)
Since there is almost no meaning to turn it off at present, we improved it so that it is always on.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
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