2018, 11/27 17:35 (2119day) Posted | 2119day Updated
The distribution app "kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (Android version)" has been updated.

- Added "screen capture" function. This is a mode that allows you to broadcast your smartphone screen.
You can stream game app play, etc. without the need for a computer.
If you turn on the comment reading function, comments will be read out loud even when you are using other apps.

・Improved encoder performance
Now uses Android native hardware encoder,
Reduced battery usage, heat generation, bandwidth consumption, latency, etc.

・Supported screen orientation switching on the login and broadcast slot acquisition screen In camera shooting mode, the screen is fixed to landscape as usual,
Screen capture mode supports both vertical and horizontal screens.

-Improved autofocus function

The new version of the app is only available for Android 5 or later.

kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (Android version)

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2018/11/27 kukuluLIVE Notice of version upgrade of smartphone app "kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (Android version)"
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