2018, 12/19 09:33 (2224day) Posted | 2221day Updated
The distribution app "kukuluLIVE Encoder (iPhone version)" has been significantly updated and is now called "kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (iPhone version)."

Completely rebuilt from scratch in Swift4 and converted to native iOS.
For iOS app development, I said goodbye to my parent's enemy, AdobeAIR, and switched to an educational toy for toddlers called Xcode.
The UI is similar to the previous one, but internally it's a completely different app.

- Supported H264 and hardware encoding.
It is now possible to stream with the same modern high image and sound quality as the Android version while reducing battery and bandwidth consumption.
We are also working to reduce latency, improve connection stability, and improve the viewing environment in low-bandwidth conditions.

・Broadcast is now performed in the screen orientation (horizontal screen or vertical screen) when the broadcast slot is acquired.
In the newly added vertical screen mode, the distribution video will also be vertically long.

・Reading is now iOS native.
It is now possible to speak stably even in situations where communication is unstable.

- The in-app browser has become more convenient.
You can now check most of the pasted URLs, voice comments, video comments, etc. while broadcasting them using a UI similar to Safari.

- The comment section has the same UI as the PC version.
Almost all functions and settings are now available.

- Improved GPS function.
You can now expose your speed and direction to your viewers.

- Acquisition and broadcasting of broadcast slots without recording are now supported.

kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (iPhone version)

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