2018, 12/22 03:12 (2099day) Posted | 2098day Updated
The distribution app "kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (Android/FireOS version)" has been updated.

- Background playback is now possible.
If you turn on [Settings] > [Video] > [Background playback] in the [Menu] at the top right of the comment field, you can play the audio of the stream even while using other apps.
It switches from AudioVideo to AudioOnly when the app is in the background, so it will stop for a few seconds, but it will restart immediately.

- Supported push notification on FireOS.
Push notifications are now available for Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) enabled devices.
Most devices support GCM (FCM) or ADM, so you can receive push notifications without even realizing it.

- Added a button that allows you to forcefully change to landscape full screen.
Even if your device's automatic rotation is turned off, you can change the screen to landscape mode with one tap.
On tablets, the screen switches in the following order: portrait screen → horizontal screen split → horizontal screen full screen.

- Mute settings are now remembered when watching live broadcasts.
You can now ignore AutoPlayBlockingPolicy and watch in unmuted state.

-Improved to log in using the in-app browser when logging in.
-Fixed an issue where you would be logged out when exiting the app.

kukuluLIVE Player (Android version)

kukuluLIVE Player (FireOS version);field-brandtextbin=Kukusama&index=mobile-apps&search-type=ss

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2018/12/22 kukuluLIVE Announcement of version upgrade of smartphone app “kukuluLIVE Player (Android/FireOS version)”
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