2020, 06/03 07:00 (1713day) Posted | 1709day Updated
In addition to the app version, a mobile web version is now available on smartphones and tablets.
It can be used at the same URL as the PC version.

On Android-based Chrome, push notifications can only be used in the browser.
To enable it, open the menu from the "Settings" icon and change it to "Notifications On".

Login information for the app version is not automatically transferred, so it can be used independently from the app version.

As there are currently no plans to register as a developer in HUAWEI AppGallery,
The Google Play app version is not expected to be available on Huawei devices released after 2020, such as the P40 series.
The app version for KindleFire can be installed on HUAWEI terminals via Amazon AppStore, but push notifications cannot be used because ADM cannot be used.
If you are using this device, after installing Google Chrome via HUAWEI AppGallery,
We recommend using this mobile web version.

[Platforms supported by the app version]

Androids with Google Play:

iOS/iPadOS with Apple AppStore:

Kindle Fire with Amazon AppStore: %E3%83%A1%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A2%E3%83%89%E3%81%BD%E3%81%84%E3%81%BD%E3%81%84%E3 %80%91/dp/B00I1TNI74

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