2019, 11/03 11:07 (1924day) Posted | 1924day Updated
Added a "Direct Message" feature that allows you to send and receive private messages.

By default, "Direct Messages" are not received.
You can receive them by changing "Direct Messages" to "Allow" on the login page (

*This setting is related to reception, so it can also be used on the sending side even if it is set to "Do not allow."

For broadcasters who have allowed "direct messages", a "send direct message" link will be displayed on the broadcast viewing page and profile page.
Viewers can send messages to the broadcaster using this link.
(You can send a direct message even if the viewer's direct message setting is set to "Do not allow.")

When a message is received, a link will be displayed in the notification section of the login page or broadcast slot management page.
Links to messages sent by you will also be displayed in this field.

The "Direct Message" screen displays the other party's messages in real time, similar to a chat app.
Unread and read items will also be updated automatically.

The message function block and comment block are common.
If someone who blocks comments sends you a message, the message will be hidden as well as the comment.
If you block someone from the message screen, they will also block comments.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
Articles with a posting date near the same category as this article:
2019, 11
2019/11/03 kukuluLIVE Added "direct message" function
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2019, 09

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