2021, 04/27 03:38 (1391day) Posted | 1391day Updated
The old version (current version) of kukuluLIVE Coffret will be discontinued soon.
You can upgrade from the current Coffret "Tools" → "Switch to the next version of Coffret".
You cannot go back after upgrading.

The next version currently has the following features implemented.
・All functions of the previous version ・Login with Google account or Apple ID ・KukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network/VirtualCam over Network sending and receiving settings automation function ・OBS encoding setting verification function ・Function that allows you to set multiple external transfer functions at the same time ・kukuluLIVE Overlay configuration automation function (for new services)

Thank you for your cooperation in testing.

*If your Coffret does not have "Tools" → "Switch to the next version of Coffret",
Coffret may not be updating correctly automatically.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please reinstall using the installer below.

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2021, 04/20 05:13 (1398day) Posted | 1398day Updated
We have released version 2.1.3 of the iOS/iPadOS/Mac (M1) version of the app.

- Now supports push notification when uploading or downloading<br>Even if you are using other apps or are locked when uploading or downloading, you will be notified by push notification when uploading or downloading is completed.
It is convenient when transferring a large number of files.

- Improved usage permissions <br>Only camera roll save permission is required when saving images and videos, camera roll viewing permission is no longer required. (iOS14 or later supported)

File Now iOS version;ls=1

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2021, 04/18 03:47 (1400day) Posted
There was an issue where the number of viewers was not displayed correctly from around 3:30 on April 17th to 18th, 2021, but this has now been resolved.
The cause was that part of the comment server had stopped due to a failure and was running with an automatic backup function.
The discovery was delayed because the alert for the server was designed to detect only general failures.
We have improved the alert to prevent recurrence.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

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2021, 04/08 19:12 (1409day) Posted | 1409day Updated
・Supports multi-session upload/download <br>Previously, even when multiple files were uploaded/downloaded, files were transferred sequentially in a single session.
Multi-session functionality now allows multiple files to be transferred in parallel.
Under optimal conditions, transfer speeds can be up to 4 times faster.
The optimal number of parallel servers and responsible servers (more than 30 servers are always online) are automatically determined depending on the situation.
This feature is also compatible with the attachment file system for throwaway email addresses that use the File Now system.

・Improved the archive system <br>The archive system has a high storage rate for files that have not been downloaded for a long time.
With a system that automatically moves popular files to servers with lower occupancy rates,
We have extended the storage period (twice as much as before) and improved download speed.

- The maximum upload capacity has been relaxed <br>The total file size that can be uploaded at one time has been relaxed to 6GB.

・We have strengthened our servers . Due to the rapid increase in the number of users, we were experiencing a decrease in the storage period and a decrease in download speed during busy hours.
Resolved by augmentation.

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2021, 04/04 09:25 (1414day) Posted | 1414day Updated
You can now switch to the next version of Coffret from the current Coffret's "Tools" → "Switch to the next version of Coffret".
Once you switch, the next version of Coffret will start from the next time onwards.

If you want to go back, you can go back to the previous version from "Tools" → "Revert to old version of Coffret".

The next version currently implements the following functions.
・All functions of the previous version ・Login with Google account or Apple ID ・Automation function for sending and receiving settings for kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network/VirtualCam over Network ・OBS encoding setting verification function ・Function to set multiple external transfer functions at the same time

Thank you for participating in the test.

*If your Coffret does not have "Tools" → "Switch to the next version of Coffret",
Coffret may not be automatically updated correctly.
Please reinstall using the installer below.

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2021, 04/01 23:37 (1416day) Posted | 1416day Updated
As part of our operational policy, this site has promised not to display full-screen advertisements that significantly impair user convenience. It turned out that it was automatically enabled without any interaction.

Due to this "automated test (a function that measures the effectiveness of all ad types)", full-screen ads may have been temporarily displayed in some environments (50% of the total) on April 1st.
Currently, we are manually disabling this feature and making improvements to prevent full-screen ads from being displayed.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.

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2021, 03/31 22:37 (1417day) Posted | 1414day Updated
You can now try the next version of Coffret, which has been newly rewritten with Electron.
The next version of Coffret can be started from the current Coffret's "Tools" → "Try the next version of Coffret".
Settings etc. will be migrated at the first startup. (excluding login information)

If all goes well, you will be able to migrate using the steps below.

*If your Coffret does not have "Tools" → "Try the next version of Coffret",
Coffret may not be updating correctly automatically.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please reinstall using the installer below.

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2021, 03/31 21:35 (1417day) Posted | 1417day Updated
There was a phenomenon that it became full and it was impossible to start a room or create a new one.
I recovered around 11pm on the 31st. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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2021, 03/31 16:41 (1418day) Posted
We have added a new feature, ``Haiku Mode,'' that allows you to completely transform the comment section of your stream into an intellectual and tasteful environment.
The mode will be enabled by using the "/haiku" command in the comment section of your own stream.

When "Haiku mode" is enabled, only haiku can be commented.

The number of characters in the comment is 5, 7, 5, or a total of up to 1 character left or short,
Only comments containing seasonal words can be posted.

For haiku comments, a ``haiku'' button will be displayed, and if you press it, it will read kanji that you cannot read.

*Even if you write in kanji as is, it will be broken down into syllables and the number of sounds will be calculated.
*We have learned about 7,000 seasonal words.
*Depending on the viewer group, even if you use this function, the broadcast may not be intelligent or tasteful.

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2021, 03/29 13:18 (1420day) Posted | 1419day Updated
The problem that had been occurring since the morning of the 27th, where when acquiring a broadcast slot and starting viewing in HD mode, an error message would appear indicating that there were no slots available, was resolved at 6:00 am on the 30th.

The cause was a failure on the cloud provider's side, but because it was an unprecedented type of failure, the alarm did not work and discovery was delayed, and mitigation measures were not as effective as expected.
Additionally, after the cloud provider began work on the service after the morning of the 29th, some other network functionality failed, although the initial outage had been resolved.

The following measures have been added to prevent recurrence.

・Added a function to constantly check the interconnectivity of all nodes in the cluster ・Improved the failure detection function of the automatic node increase/decrease function ・Prepared more spare resources than before (in case of failure)

We apologize for the inconvenience caused for a long time.

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