2020, 12/24 19:31 (1365day) Posted | 1365day Updated
kukuluLIVE has a contract with NexTone, a music copyright management organization,
Songs managed by NexTone are now available for streaming.

We already had a contract with JASRAC, a similar management organization, but in recent years more and more artists have signed contracts with other management organizations, and for example, they will be able to use songs such as YOASOBI.

At the same time, we are improving the way we report song usage.
Previously, we had to search for the work code from JASRAC's J-WID and then report the song using the work code.
It is now possible to report using any of the "(JASRAC) work code", "NexTone work number", and "song title".
Even in cases where a large number of songs are used, the report can be completed by simply listing the song names and sending them.

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