2020, 02/22 05:19 (1788day) Posted | 1679day Updated

Conventionally, the push connection destination address (RTMP connection destination) and stream name were changed each time a broadcast slot was acquired.
It is now fixed for each account ID.

The push connection destination address is fixed to "rtmp://" for all accounts,
The stream name will be your account's API key.

If you wish to change your password due to a leak, etc., you can do so by clicking "Change" in the "API Key" field on the login page.

When using "OBS connection destination automatic setting" or "kukuluLIVE easy setup", this fixed address is not used as the connection destination is automatically entered into the software each time.
This function is for the following people.

・Those who use XSplit or ffmpeg (those who cannot use automatic configuration)
・Those who connect GoPro etc. via the external RTMP function using the kukuluLIVE Encoder2 smartphone app ・Those who are streaming on multiple sites simultaneously ・Those who are streaming from a Mac ・Those who are not aware of the existence of Coffret

This function connects to a traditional push server via a reverse proxy server, so
Connecting directly with a non-fixed address as before is more advantageous in terms of latency and stability, and is also lower cost.
If you are in an environment where you can use the "Automatic OBS connection setting" built into kukuluLIVE Coffret, please continue to use it.
The feeling of not wasting 1Mbps will make tomorrow's kukuluLIVE more comfortable. We thank you for your cooperation.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
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2020/02/22 kukuluLIVE Notice regarding fixation of push connection destination address
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