2020, 01/05 21:00 (1863day) Posted | 1863day Updated
・You can now delete automatic tags for broadcasts <br>You can now delete automatic tags in cases where unintended tags are added, such as when a game is launched by mistake.
You can delete it from the "x" on the right side of the tag on the "Broadcast slot management page".

Because of the function to delete tags that have been unintentionally,
The currently running tag (last tag) cannot be deleted.

After the distribution ends, you can also delete it from "Recording settings" in "List of past broadcasts" on the "Broadcast slot management page".

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2020, 01/04 22:24 (1864day) Posted | 1864day Updated
"Indonesian" and "Spanish (Europe)" have been added to the supported languages for throwaway email addresses.

The currently supported languages are as follows.

・English (default)
・Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Hindi *Only partially compatible with iOS ・Turkish, Indonesian, Spanish (Europe)

Support (including recovery support) and inquiries are only available in English and Japanese.

Throwaway email address (web version)

Throw away email address (iOS version)

Throw away email address (Android version)

Throwaway email address (FireOS version)

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2019, 12/31 17:05 (1868day) Posted | 523day Updated

The third Kukusama LINE stamp “Lovely Kukusama” has been released★
Color your LINE with Lovely♡ with the new Kukusama taste drawn by MINAMI!
This time we also have an emoji version! We will also apply Lovely♡ magic to your message!
Please use BANBAN on LINE★★

【How to buy】

1. Open "Stamp Shop" from LINE's "Wallet" tab etc.
2. Search for "kukusama" in the stamp shop.
3. If you select "Creators" in the category, the Atsushikukusama stamp series and emojis will be displayed.
*Both the stamp version and the emoji version are registered under the name "Lovely Kukusama", so please be careful not to make a mistake.

Click here to purchase the “Lovely Kukusama” stamp version
*The stamp version is a set of 40 types.

Click here to purchase the “Lovely Kukusama” emoji version
*Emoji version is a set of 19 types.

[Kukusama LINE stamp series]
Click here for stamp information for “Twinkle Kukusama” (2nd work)

[About earnings]
Due to specifications, LINE Creators Stamps cannot be distributed for free, so they are distributed for a fee.
All proceeds from this stamp will be donated.
Once a certain amount is reached, the funds will be remitted to the Fukushima Prefecture Health and Welfare Department Great East Japan Earthquake Fukushima Children's Donation Fund.
We will prove this by disclosing the receipt. (*Donation destination is subject to change)

[Report on profits and donations]
We received 20,000 yen as revenue.
The entire amount was donated to the Fukushima Prefecture Health and Welfare Department Great East Japan Earthquake Fukushima Children's Donation Fund.
credible document

*Click here for previous donation reports.
*Since it is not possible to calculate revenue for each stamp, donations are made by adding together the first and second stage stamps.

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2019, 12/31 01:44 (1869day) Posted | 1869day Updated
- Increased the number of files that can be uploaded at once (100 → 300 )

- Through improvements to the server system, we have introduced a mechanism that does not reduce the download speed even for files that are being downloaded intensively.

・Improved so that the registration process does not take longer when uploading a large number of files.

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2019, 12/27 08:11 (1872day) Posted | 1872day Updated

To the new broadcasters who have newly chosen kukuluLIVE,
We have confirmed that users have given explanations that are different from the facts, such as the ones below.

"This is a privately run place, so you have to greet the administrator before broadcasting."
"Drawing distribution will be suspended if you do not draw the administrator's picture first."
``I can't stream this game unless I say hello to streamer 〇〇.''

Although kukuluLIVE is operated by an individual, it is the same as a general service provided by a company.
Anyone can use it as long as they agree to the terms of use.
There are no rules that are obligatory to fulfill even though they are not specified in the terms and conditions.

Even if a comment is written as a joke, the new streamer has no way of confirming that it is a joke.
In fact, there are many cases where the administrator is contacted or the broadcast itself is stopped.

New distributors miraculously choose kukuluLIVE from among the countless distribution sites.
This was possible with the cooperation and understanding of many people.

Harassment of new streamers by giving false explanations (false comments) will be dealt with severely.

For users other than those listed above, please continue to provide warm support to new distributors.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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2019, 12/22 06:14 (1878day) Posted
-Added a share function using "Gamenau" <br>You can convert a canvas image to a URL by just pressing the button once.
You can also crop and share part of the canvas.

You don't have to save it locally and upload it, so you can show your canvas just by telling it the URL.
Gamenau supports TwitterCards, so you can upload your canvas to Twitter without authentication by tweeting the URL.

- Fixed an issue where copying or moving would not work properly when specifying outside the canvas area <br>Some or all of the area would be outside the canvas area, or
Improved so that it works correctly even when expanded larger than the canvas area.

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2019, 12/18 04:35 (1882day) Posted
Capture live and time-shifted viewing footage with a single click,
Added a "screenshot capture" function that can be converted into a URL.

When you click the camera icon in the live broadcast or time-shifted viewing player,
A page that has been automatically transformed will open.

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2019, 12/15 02:17 (1885day) Posted
As shown below, we have expanded the size that can be uploaded at once.

File size: 2GB→ 3.5GB

In addition to directly using File Now, when using the large capacity upload function from the attachment function of a throwaway email,
The above extensions apply.

Additionally, the storage period has been extended from before due to the addition of servers, etc.
If the file size is large, the expiration date will be shorter, but it will be stored for at least one month.
*The expiration date is calculated from the last download, so files that are continuously downloaded will not be deleted.

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2019, 12/11 20:36 (1888day) Posted | 1882day Updated
[For viewers]

Distributions with the NSFW attribute setting turned on are not displayed in the distribution list by default.
To display it in the list, you need to switch ``Distribution that may contain inappropriate expressions'' from ``Settings'' on the top page to ``Display''.

[For distributors]

When distributing content that includes NSFW attributes (as long as it does not violate the guidelines),
You must turn on "Notify viewers before watching that inappropriate content will be broadcast."

This feature is intended to be considerate to viewers who do not like broadcasts that include NSFW attributes.
It does not make the rules any less applicable.
The penalty will be applied regardless of whether this setting is on or off.
Additionally, the NSFW attribute may be automatically turned on based on judgment by the administrator or machine learning.

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2019, 12/08 06:59 (1892day) Posted | 1264day Updated

It is possible to display the video of FaceRig / Animaze / VTubeStudio of a guest in a remote place in the distribution video in real time.
"kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network" has been released.

This feature has the following advantages compared to using video calls such as Discord.

・It can be directly integrated into OBS, so there is no need to configure it every time. ・The avatar's movement can be reflected in real time with almost no lag. ・The video size and display magnification can be fixed, making it easy to use chromakey. ・The video device is fixed to FaceRig Virtual Device and can be changed.・Since it can be separated from the voice, only the avatar remains even after the call is ended. ・You can receive the avatars of multiple guests at the same time.

In addition to inviting guests, operate the webcam and FaceRig on a computer separate from the one for distribution,
By sending it to the computer for distribution (OBS) via kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network,
You can also use it to prevent face detection (for example, if you have captured the entire desktop).

[FaceRig avatar transmission settings (guest side)]

<When using FaceRig>

1. Start FaceRig and set to white background from "Environment" setting in "UI+" mode.

2. Set the "Background color" to "R255", "G0", "B255" from "Background" in the "Customize" tab.

3. Enable "Delivery Mode".

<When using Animaze>

1. Start Animaze and press the "+" of "Imported photos and videos" from "Background".

2. Download the image file below by right-clicking and specify it in Animaze.

3. When the background becomes purple, press the "Distribute" button.

<When using VTubeStudio>

1. Start VTubeStudio and select "Color Picker" from the background settings.

2. Set the background color to "#FF00FF" and close the background color setting.

3. Open Settings.

4. Launch "Virtual Webcam" from camera settings. (If it is not installed, please follow the instructions and restart your PC.)

<Common settings for FaceRig, Animaze, and VTubeStudio>

4. Open the following "kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network (Sender)" page from Chrome or Firefox.
* Firefox has a higher resolution than Chrome, so it's easier to remove with chromakey, but it uses more bandwidth.

(If you are using Coffret, open Coffret's "Tools" > "FaceRig over Network" > "Send your Facerig/Animaze video to your collaboration partner".)

5. Allow camera use.

*If an error occurs, please check whether FaceRig Virtual Device/Animaze Virtual Device/VTubeStudioCam can be used correctly, and then explicitly allow the use of the camera in the browser settings.
If you still cannot use the video, try closing all other applications that are using the video (such as OBS) and restarting your browser and PC.

6. When the "Use FaceRig", "Use Animaze", and "Use VTubeStudio" buttons appear, press the one you want to use.

7. When the preview of the avatar video starts, press the "Start Publishing" button.

8. When this state is reached, preparations on the guest side are complete. Please notify the sender of the "URL to be set in the other party's OBS". This URL is unique for each kukuluID.

[FaceRig/Animaze avatar reception settings (distributor side)]

With Coffret, the manual settings below are not required.
You can set it in one go from Coffret's "Tools" > "FaceRig over Network" > "Display collaboration partner's Facerig/Animaze/VTubeStudio on OBS".

1. Make sure the OBS version is "24.0.3" or later, and if not, update to the latest version from "Help" → "Check for updates".

2. Add the "Browser" source by pressing the Sources "+" button.

3. Naming the source is optional. Press the "OK" button.

4. Paste the URL of "kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network" notified by the guest in "URL".
Set the width to 1280 and the height to 720.
Make sure to turn on "Shut down source when not visible".
If you can set it, press the "OK" button to close.

5. Right-click the added browser source and open Filters.

6. Press the "+" button in the Effect Filters to add "Chroma Key".

7. Select "Magenta" as the color key type, adjust Similarity, Smoothness, and Key Color Outflow Reduction to values that clear the image, and close with the "Close" button.

8. If the guest's avatar is displayed on the distribution preview, the setting is complete.
Hide browser source when not in use.

When calling the same guest, the setting is completed just by displaying the browser source.
When calling another guest, please change the URL of the browser source or create a second browser source. You can call multiple guests at the same time.

*If your avatar moves jerky:
Please turn on OBS's "Settings" → "Advanced Settings" → "Source" → "Enable hardware acceleration for browser sources" and restart OBS.

*If the playback start button appears:
Make sure that "Shut down source when not displayed" is turned on, and then hide and then show the source to reload and play normally.

*If the mouth or eyes are transparent:
Please adjust the OBS color key so that the chromakey can be done well.
If the background is RGB (255,0,255) If the color of the avatar does not come out properly, please consult with the sender and consider changing the background color.

* Regarding use on other distribution sites:
Please refer here .

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