2018, 08/23 09:17 (2216day) Posted | 2215day Updated
In order to deal with the problem that was discovered after the recent migration, in some browsers such as Firefox and Edge, the XHR of background tabs was significantly delayed at certain times.
We have released the HTML5 beta version of the live broadcast player implemented in a new way.

The implementation is closer to Flash behavior (RTMP) than previous methods, resulting in lower latency and less bandwidth wastage.
After sufficient testing, we plan to adopt it as the default player when Flash restrictions are tightened in September.

If you would like to try the beta version player, you can switch from "[kukuluLIVE] Change live broadcast player to beta version (under development)" on the page below.
*You must log in with kukulu ID.

We look forward to your cooperation in testing.

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2018, 09
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2018/08/23 kukuluLIVE We have released the HTML5 beta version of the live broadcast player.
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