2016, 09/27 00:13 (3035day) Posted | 3031day Updated
Added on 2016/09/30:
All maintenance and data transfers have been completed and all rooms are now available for normal use.
We have also confirmed a fix for an issue where rooms frequently crash during busy hours.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

2016/09/28 4:20 AM Added:
Newly created rooms and rooms for which data transfer has already been completed are now available for use.
You will not be able to use the room while data is still being transferred, but you will be able to start the room once the data transfer is complete.

2016/09/28 AM3:40 Added:
It is taking longer than expected to transfer data due to server relocation.
We will extend the maintenance end time.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

This is an issue where the room frequently crashes during busy hours.
Since a fundamental solution requires relocation of lines and servers, we will carry out maintenance as described below.

2016/09/28 1am~

During maintenance, all rooms will be suspended and services will be unavailable.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause as it has taken several months to identify and address the cause of this issue.

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Articles with a posting date near the same category as this article:
2016, 09
2016/09/27 MagicalDraw Maintenance notice to resolve room crash during busy hours (completed)
2016, 07
2016, 05
2016, 04
2016, 03
2016, 02
2016, 01
2015, 12

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