2016, 03/23 18:33 (3102day) Posted | 3100day Updated
・Added a function to search for your own address <br>If you have many addresses, it will be difficult to find your own address.
A search window is now displayed.

You can search for your email address by part or all of your email address, or by part or all of your aliases.
You can use it when creating a list of email addresses or when composing an email.

-Added a filter function by date <br>Tap the date in the email list to open the date picker.
By specifying a date from here, you can narrow down and display only emails from a certain date.

Alternatively, you can also narrow down your search by entering "2016-03-20" or "2016/03/20" in the search field.

・Saved search words can now be deleted from the list
You can now quickly remove them from the list.

This update is available for all versions including smartphone and PC versions.
There is no need to update the app.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート

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