2024, 01/14 13:11 (373day) Posted
Added a "posting email address" feature that allows you to post messages to the room via email.

For example, it can be used for the following purposes.
・By registering the account you want to share with everyone using the posting email address, all participants in the room can receive the one-time code. ・Set the destination of the email form and survey form to the posting email address. By this, all participants in the room can see the sent content. By setting the address at the time of ordering as the posting email address, all participants in the room can see the content of the order.

Room owners can create up to 20 addresses per room and can delete them at any time.
To create an address, open Settings → Posting Email Address.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
Articles in this category:
2024, 08
2024, 06
2024, 05
2024, 01
2024/01/14 chaat Added email address function for posting
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