2024, 07/04 12:19 (74day) Posted | 74day Updated
For streaming slots that are in preparation and where public/private streaming has not yet taken place, we have made changes so that the following will not take place:

・Recording (saving time shift)
- Capture (automatic thumbnail saving every 5 minutes)
・Replay (save replay)
・Catch-up viewing

Recording will begin as soon as a public or private broadcast begins, and replays and catch-up viewing will be available from that point onwards.
Only distribution slots acquired after this specification change are eligible.

Once a streaming slot has started public/private streaming, recording will not stop even if you return it to preparation mode.

Also, please note that you can still watch the video even while it is being prepared by directly accessing the broadcaster's URL, so once push connection is made the video will basically be publicly available.

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2024, 06/27 23:17 (80day) Posted
We have confirmed that kukuluLIVE Coffret works properly with all functions on the ARM version of Windows 11.
Distribution can be done as usual using products known as Copilot+ PC.

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2024, 06/21 17:46 (86day) Posted | 86day Updated
We have added a function that allows you to register and publish original backgrounds, line drawings (coloring pages), frames, dividing lines, etc.

On the "Add original background/line drawing" page, register the PNG image you have prepared.

When you register, you can choose how you want to be placed on the canvas.
By placing the background image in the back and the line art and frame in the front, you can use it for coloring books, etc.

Registering it alone will not make it public, and it will only be available for use in rooms that you own.
With the previous feature, if you registered a background or other item to the room itself, you had to re-register it if you changed rooms, but with this new feature you can call it up at any time, even across rooms.

If you make it public, anyone can use it. You can also create a new room from there.

If you want to use them from within the room, the owner can display the list by doing the following:

Once you have completed a coloring book or other work, you can "save the current canvas to the server" and it will be posted as an example of your work.

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2024, 06/20 03:45 (88day) Posted | 88day Updated
Previously, background images could only be placed behind the canvas.
It is now possible to place it in front of the canvas.

If you are adding it from the room entry page, select "Place in front of canvas" in "Paste method" under "Add your own background image or line drawing."

The background image will be placed in front of the canvas so that it is not obscured by the canvas image.

This is useful when you want to fix line art or borders, or when you want to create a simple filter that uses frames or transparency.

If you are creating from within a room, select "Create Line Art" when creating.

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2024, 06/18 06:36 (90day) Posted | 89day Updated
Comment pre-posting is a function that sends a webhook when a comment is posted and waits for a response before posting.

You can process the comment content with your own program, modify the comment content before posting it, or cancel posting altogether.
For example, you can process the body of comments using AI, integrate with your own NG filters, or apply replacements.

Comments won't be posted until processing is complete, increasing comment lag for viewers.
If you simply want to get new comments, please do not use this Webhook and use the existing "New Comments" Webhook.

To avoid disrupting the user experience, if the Webhook execution time (including handshake) exceeds 6 seconds, the process will time out and be ignored.

External Connection Webhook

Want AI to turn all your comments into ladylike speech?
It's easier to use the hidden mode, which allows you to do this yourself (this feature allows you to create the same thing yourself).

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2024, 06/11 16:48 (96day) Posted | 91day Updated
- You can now set permission-based access restrictions. <br>This is a restriction feature that allows you to apply for access permission when accessing a room, and only people approved by the owner can join the room.

This can be enabled by setting Room Settings > Access Restrictions > Access Permissions.

When this restriction is enabled, a general user will be prompted to request permission when they access the room.
When a request is made, the owner will be notified and can choose to approve or deny each request.

Only authorized users can join the room.
You can always change your Allow/Deny selection from the Room Settings > Lists > Permissions list.

- Added synthetic voice reading function. <br>When you turn on User Settings > Reading Settings > Reading Function, new messages will be read out in a synthetic voice.
If available, a local speech engine will be used, otherwise speech will be provided over the network.
In iOS Safari, for example, the page may not be spoken unless you tap on the margin after the page is displayed.

- You can now restrict the registration of emotions. <br>If you set Room Settings > Emotion Registration Restriction > Owner Only, only the owner will be able to register emotions.

・You can now delete any user when logging in with your linked ID. <br>If you want to unlink a user that you are currently using, you can do so by clicking the "Unlink" button, and if you want to unlink a linked user that you are not using, you can click the "Delete" button.

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2024, 05/29 15:34 (109day) Posted | 109day Updated
After sending an email, it will now be put on hold for 30 seconds, allowing you to cancel the sending.

To enable this feature, turn on "Enable Undo Send" in Advanced Settings.

When you send an email with the Undo Send feature enabled, an "Undo last send" button will appear at the top of the sent page for 30 seconds.

If you press this button within 30 seconds, the last email you sent will not actually be sent and will revert to draft status.
Once the 30 seconds have passed, the message will be sent to the other party and cannot be cancelled.

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2024, 05/18 16:24 (120day) Posted | 114day Updated

- Added emotion function .<br>This function allows you to send images by simply pressing the button instead of entering text.
You can add an emotion from any image URL or a URL containing an image.
You can add up to 500 items to the entire room, and up to 100 items per individual, and all items added can be used by everyone in the room.
You can only delete what you added. The owner can delete all emotions.
Of course, the LovelyKukusama emotion series that is available by default cannot be deleted.

- Added linked ID login function. <br> Poster permissions, owner permissions, and room history can be linked and saved to the linked ID.
This is useful if you want to restore data from your device when it is lost, or if you want to sync across multiple devices.

- Added a mute function .<br>This function allows users without owner privileges to hide posts from specific users on their own screen only.
You can mute a post using the ellipsis next to it, or unmute it from Settings > User Settings > Mute List.

- You can now check new posts in rooms from the access history. <br>Rooms that contain new posts that you have not read will be marked with a red circle.

- Added support for line breaks in mobile environments .<br>In a software keyboard environment, Enter is always treated as a line break, and sending is now done using the arrow buttons.
On the PC version, you can create a line break by pressing Shift+Enter as usual.
You can change this from Settings > User Settings > Line Breaks and Posting.

- The way long text is displayed has been changed. <br>Long text is now displayed collapsed to an appropriate size, and can be expanded fully by pressing the bottom of the post.

- Changed to display your own posts right-justified and other people's posts left-justified
-Dark mode support

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2024, 05/11 03:49 (128day) Posted | 128day Updated
If you have set up Premium Emotions as a MagicalGift reward,
Now you can use this as a sticker too.

Stickers stand out because they appear at the top of every post comment.

Viewers who have Premium Emotion rights can
Click the "Premium Stickers" button on the top right of the emotion list screen.
You can switch emotions to use as stickers.
The default is off and can be turned back off later.

If the Premium Emotion benefit is limited in time (subscription), the stickers will no longer be available for use once the period expires.

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2024, 05/07 06:22 (132day) Posted | 129day Updated
- Added sound notification feature .<br>You can be notified of new messages and new participants with a sound. It is off by default.
You can change it from the settings button.

- Room owners can now view a list of participants.
You can now view a list of people who have joined a room within the last 30 days and ban them if necessary.
The owner can click on the link that displays "X people participating" to open the list screen.

- Room owners can now set "editing permissions" <br>The default is "Only their own posts can be edited and deleted."
If you change it to "Edit & delete only by owner", only the owner will be able to edit, delete, and pin posts.

- Improved ban specifications
If you get banned, you will now be kicked from the room immediately.
In addition, bans have become more powerful and are now harder to avoid than before.

- Added support for posting via Webhook <br>You can now use Webhook to access and post to the same address as the existing email posting address.
You can create an address by going to "Room Settings" → "Posting API" → "Settings".
The POST format is the same as Discord.

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