2024, 01/13 17:07 (376day) Posted | 376day Updated
- You can now manually select the courier. If your package is identified by another package with the same tracking number, you can manually switch the courier to track the correct package.
Even if the incorrect package is already trackable and the correct package is not yet trackable (unmailed, etc.), you can still track it by manually switching the tracking.
To select, click the pen mark in the tracking list.

・You can now exclude delivery companies from searches. <br>A "Search delivery company" setting has been added to the options, allowing you to turn off delivery companies that you do not want to search.
For courier companies that are turned off, tracking numbers will not be searched when adding a tracking number.
Packages that have already been identified with that vendor can continue to be tracked.

- You can now manually change the API key for the synchronization function. <br>If the account logged in to the browser is the same, the same API key will be set depending on the browser function.
Even if your accounts are different or your browser's synchronization function is turned off, you can synchronize by manually matching the API key.
This is useful when multiple people are tracking the same package.

DeliveryTracking for Chrome

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