2022, 01/02 16:42 (1141day) Posted | 1141day Updated
- The state is now retained even when switching tabs (app version)
The address, inbox, outbox, and new mail tabs operate independently, and their state is retained even when you switch tabs.
When you return to an already open tab, if you are already doing something, such as scrolling or opening an email, the tab will not be refreshed and you will be able to return.
If you want to refresh, please open the same tab again or use the refresh button.
Available for Android version v2021.12.30.1 or later, iOS version v2.4.2 or later.

- Improved behavior when purchasing premium plans from multiple platforms (app version)
For example, if you use one InstAddr account on Android and iOS,
After the premium plan purchased on Android had expired, even if I purchased it on iOS, it remained expired on the Android side.
Contracts with longer terms will be used first.

-Added a function to display the country information of the sender's mail server <br>You can check at a glance which country the mail was sent from.
Press this button to display information about the sender's mail server.
If the email is between two abandoned email addresses, the abandoned email address icon will be displayed.

-Improved the specifications for rejecting reception.
As a result of adding "Amazon" to the rejection list in an attempt to refuse to receive fraudulent emails pretending to be from Amazon,
In many cases, all emails sent via AmazonSES are rejected.
Among the reception rejection judgments, those related to email addresses (From, Envelope From, ReplyTo) have been improved so that they are judged only if they contain "@" or ".".
For example, if you are setting "Amazon", it will only work if "Amazon" is included in the body, and emails sent via AmazonSES will pass through.
If you also want to reject emails via AmazonSES, set "".

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
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