kukutune v3 2014/05/24 version (compatible with WindowsXP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 / 32,64bit)

Click here to download “MTU/TAF/RWIN change tool kukutune for Hyper Yutori”▼

This tool is not supported, so we will not be able to respond to any questions you may have via Contact Us.
We hope you understand this and use it at your own risk.

【how to use】
1. Right-click "kukutune.exe" and "Run as administrator".
2. (If you want to change the MTU) enter the desired MTU and click the "Change" button.
3. (If you want to change the TAF) Enter the desired TAF and click the "Change" button.
4. Restart your computer.
5. Start "kukutune.exe" and press the "Confirm Settings" button to confirm that the changes have been made correctly.
*In Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11, changing RWIN has no meaning.
*Automatic adjustments by Windows are also automatically disabled, so there is no need to operate from the command line.

- The default value of MTU is "1500". Setting it to around 800 will improve the response speed of online games. (However, the file download speed will decrease)
- The default value of TAF is "2". Setting it to around "1" will improve the response speed of online games.
- The default value of RWIN is "65392". If you set it to around "261568", the file download speed will not drop much even when changing the MTU, but it is invalid on Vista and later, so forget it.
・Since it is for Hyper Yutori, obviously strange settings will be rejected.

[How to restore]
Click the "Restore all" button to restore everything to its original state.
*Automatic adjustment by Windows will also be restored to valid state.

This tool only changes the network settings, so it does not violate the rules of online games.
(The settings originally vary depending on the model and OS, so changing them with this tool does not give you any particular advantage.)

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