2024, 07/04 12:19 (227day) Posted
| 227day Updated
For streaming slots that are in preparation and where public/private streaming has not yet taken place, we have made changes so that the following will not take place:
・Recording (saving time shift)
- Capture (automatic thumbnail saving every 5 minutes)
・Replay (save replay)
・Catch-up viewing
Recording will begin as soon as a public or private broadcast begins, and replays and catch-up viewing will be available from that point onwards.
Only distribution slots acquired after this specification change are eligible.
Once a streaming slot has started public/private streaming, recording will not stop even if you return it to preparation mode.
Also, please note that you can still watch the video even while it is being prepared by directly accessing the broadcaster's URL, so once push connection is made the video will basically be publicly available.