2021, 01/07 17:05 (1501day) Posted | 1501day Updated
Previously, the "Reject Reception" page only allowed you to reject reception.
It is now possible to change the behavior for each keyword (part or all of the words and phrases in the text and title).

Reject reception : As before, automatically delete emails containing keywords and do not notify ・Mark as read : Receive emails containing keywords as read (with push notification)
No push notification : No push notification for emails that contain keywords

* Due to backward compatibility, you can still use the "rejection script" function, but we recommend migrating to this function.

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2021, 01/03 07:27 (1505day) Posted | 1505day Updated
-Improved the Drawer's Swamp/Blindfold <br>The result screen now displays "Theme, Drawer, and Correct Answer".
When drawing undo (undo) is enabled, the undo time limit has been shortened from 5 seconds to 1 second in game mode.

-Fixed an issue where chat remarks could not be made on mobile devices

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2020, 12/31 04:46 (1508day) Posted | 1505day Updated
・Mobile low quality mode is now available on iPad
By default, the iPad displays the canvas at the same full resolution as a computer.
If you join a room with a large canvas on a model with low memory, there may be a crash.
Added the ability to optionally switch to "mobile low image quality mode" similar to Android and iPhone.

This can be enabled by turning on "Low quality mode" on the admission page.

When low quality mode is enabled, canvases larger than 1000x1000 will be downsampled to within 1000x1000.
For example, on a 3000 x 3000 canvas, the image quality will be 1/3.

As a guideline, iPads with 3GB or more of memory (Muji 7th generation or later, Air 3rd generation or later, mini 3rd generation or later, Pro) are full resolution,
Below that, we recommend lower image quality.

Available in both browser and app versions.

・Fixed an issue where automatic replay saving may fail

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2020, 12/28 21:14 (1511day) Posted | 1511day Updated
・Fixed an issue where the file could be corrupted when uploading a file larger than 3GB Fixed an issue where the file would be uploaded as is.

・Fixed an issue where owner privileges for file lists were sometimes not granted correctly. <br>When logging in with a user key or creating a file list using an IPv6 connection, owner privileges were not attached and editing was no longer possible. Fixed an issue.

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2020, 12/26 01:29 (1514day) Posted | 1513day Updated
The following tools are intended for use on kukuluLIVE.
Due to its specifications, it can also be used on other distribution sites, so the majority of users are external users.

kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network (Send FaceRig or Animaze avatar to other people's OBS via network)
kukuluLIVE VirtualCam over Network (Send game play screens etc. to other people's OBS via network)

Due to the increasing number of questions and inquiries regarding remote support when using other distribution sites,
We will stipulate the handling as follows.

When using with kukuluLIVE:
○ Available ○ If you have any problems, we will provide remote support.

When using on sites other than kukuluLIVE such as YouTube:
○ Can be used ○ Can be used even when monetization is enabled (no contact required)
×Remote support is not available

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2020, 12/24 19:31 (1515day) Posted | 1515day Updated
kukuluLIVE has a contract with NexTone, a music copyright management organization,
Songs managed by NexTone are now available for streaming.

We already had a contract with JASRAC, a similar management organization, but in recent years more and more artists have signed contracts with other management organizations, and for example, they will be able to use songs such as YOASOBI.

At the same time, we are improving the way we report song usage.
Previously, we had to search for the work code from JASRAC's J-WID and then report the song using the work code.
It is now possible to report using any of the "(JASRAC) work code", "NexTone work number", and "song title".
Even in cases where a large number of songs are used, the report can be completed by simply listing the song names and sending them.

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2020, 12/19 06:41 (1520day) Posted | 1520day Updated
・kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network now supports Animaze
You can now send using "Animaze by FaceRig", a crazy new version of FaceRig that has become a subscription.
When sending with the same chromakey background, the receiver does not need to be aware of which software the sender is using.

Click here to learn how to use kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network

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2020, 12/08 16:29 (1531day) Posted | 86day Updated
In online games, SNS, etc., there are cases where people other than the administrator include “Kukusama” (※) in the name of their characters or accounts or use similar names.
We believe that most of these uses are made by regular users of the site or services in a manner that clearly distinguishes them from the administrator, and we do not prohibit such uses.

Unfortunately, some games and websites are misleading users into thinking they are administrators,
There are users who are misusing the name "Kukusama" for illegal or inappropriate activities.
Complaints about the user's malicious behavior are often sent to administrators.

Administrators will never ask for account information or ask for money or items from others under any circumstances.
Furthermore, we will not take part in any unfair discrimination or slander.
Please be careful not to become a victim.

The accounts and characters acquired by the administrator under the name "Kukusama" are all listed below.
I am not active on other online games (Switch, Steam, PSN, etc.) or SNS (IG, FB, etc.).
All accounts containing "Kukusama" or "Kukusama" not included below have been created by other people.

Japan Marie "Kukusa Mariyu"
Japan Rueri "Kukusamariyu"
Japan Tarlach "Kukusamariyu"

[Ragnarok Origin]
Japan Iris "Kukusama"

[Ragnarok X]
Japan Angeling "Kukusama"


*The character "Kukusama" was registered as a trademark in 2017 (No. 5925248).

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2020, 12/05 03:15 (1534day) Posted | 1522day Updated
"Russian", "Portuguese (Brazil)", "French", and "German" have been added to the supported languages for throwaway email addresses.

The currently supported languages are as follows.

・English (default)
・Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Hindi *Only partially compatible with iOS ・Turkish, Indonesian, Spanish (Europe)
・Russian ・Portuguese (Brazil)
・French/German *Only partially supported on iOS and Android app versions (fully supported in next update)

Support (including recovery support) and inquiries are only available in English and Japanese.

Throwaway email address/InstAddr (Web version)

Throw away email address/InstAddr (iOS/iPadOS/MacOS version)

Throw away email address/InstAddr (Android version)

Throw away email address/InstAddr (FireOS version)

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2020, 11/30 13:17 (1539day) Posted | 1539day Updated
- Improved to correctly handle non-preferred language settings on the device
In environments other than the iOS version, if the primary language setting of the device was a language that was not supported by the email address, it was previously displayed in English.
Improved to search for languages that are supported from the second language onwards and display in that language if applicable.

- We have improved the email reception system . Due to system improvements, the speed from when an email is sent from the sender to when it is received has been improved.
The delay that occurred when a large number of emails were sent at once has also been significantly improved.

・Improved the push notification system <br>Improved to prevent push notifications from being missed even during busy times.

-Improved page display speed <br>Fixed an issue where some pages, such as the outbox and email form, took a long time to open when there was a large amount of data.

・Push notification settings on the app side have been abolished in the Android version/Kindle version.
Android v2 series did not have a function to turn off push notifications, so it supported a function to turn off push notifications from the app's "Advanced settings".
In the current minimum supported environment (Android v4.4 or later), push notifications can be turned off on the Android side, so they have been discontinued.
You can change it from the settings button in the top right corner of the app → "Open push notification settings".

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