2020, 10/08 00:27 (1592day) Posted
Due to equipment failure, there was an issue where some time shifts could not be viewed properly.
It was resolved around 2020/10/08 00:25.

If the problem continues, please try clearing your browser's cache.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

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2020, 10/06 22:33 (1594day) Posted | 1592day Updated
In order to be able to view mail smoothly even when a large amount of received mail is accumulated,
Changed the paging method for incoming mail.

In the new method, the number of mails and the maximum number of pages will not be displayed,
When you scroll to the paging button position, the calculation of the number of pages will begin and will be displayed after completion.
Since the mail list and paging buttons work even when there are a large number of mails that take a long time to calculate the number of pages,
It is now possible to read an email or go to the next page even while the page count is being calculated.

Since most users rarely access the third page and beyond,
With this improvement, the time-consuming number acquisition process is asynchronous.
Even if there is a large amount of mail, the mail list is displayed at an explosive speed.

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2020, 10/01 00:48 (1599day) Posted | 1599day Updated

Thank you very much for the many applications for the MagicalDraw 9th anniversary gift campaign (!
As a result of a random drawing, the following people were selected as winners.

★Seishun Wacom course

★Drawing skill improvement course

★Finger drawing graduation course

★Future God Painter Course

★Analog course

★Drawing course

congratulations 💛

Winners will be contacted via Twitter DM from @kukusama, so please respond within one week.
If you have not unlocked your DM or have a locked account, we will follow you from @kukusama, so please give us permission.

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2020, 10/01 00:08 (1599day) Posted

The number of "Kukusama original goods" that can be exchanged at Kukupo has increased!
In the 2020 series added this time, you can exchange mugs and mouse pads printed with Mr. Rimo's Kukusama illustration.

The mug is a kukuluLIVE exclusive design with a coaster and cannot be purchased in Japanese yen.
Please feel free to join us for the distribution🌟

Kukupo exchange form

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2020, 09/30 10:33 (1600day) Posted | 1599day Updated
- Improved kukuluLIVE Facerig over Network <br>Improved so that the reflection of start and stop of publishing is faster and more stable even during busy hours.
In addition, it has been improved so that it can operate even in environments where normal communication was not possible in the past.

Click here for how to use kukuluLIVE Facerig over Network

・Improved kukuluLIVE VirtualCam over Network
OBS v26 and later added support for VirtualCamera, so
In addition to XSplit, it is now available from OBS as well.

In an environment where OBS (v26 or later) is installed, the "Use OBS" button below will be displayed.

It's extremely convenient because you can use VirtualCam over Network without touching XSplit! Thank you OBS

Similar to Facerig over Network, we have also added improvements to the communication area.

Click here to learn how to use kukuluLIVE VirtualCam over Network

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2020, 09/06 20:48 (1624day) Posted

To commemorate MagicalDraw's 9th anniversary, a lottery will be drawn from those who answered the quiz correctly.
We are running a campaign to give away goods that are useful for drawing.

You can apply without registration or authentication, so please join us.

MagicalDraw 9th Anniversary Campaign

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2020, 08/11 22:48 (1650day) Posted | 1645day Updated
-Added emotion blacklist function <br>You can hide only specific emotions in the comment section.
To hide it, press "Hide this emotion" in the emotion popup that opens when you press an emotion.
Cancellation is possible by clearing the entire list from the Kusama icon in the upper right → "Settings" → "Display" → "Initialize" → "Hide Emo".

・Added a drawing comment sharing page
You can now open a sharing page for drawing comments and post them to Twitter etc. with TwitterCards attached.
On the relevant shared page, a list of drawing comments (original, not reposted) posted to that distribution will also be displayed.

・Fixed a bug with kukuluLIVE FaceRig over Network/VirtualCam over Network
In an environment where UDP hole punching cannot be used (an environment using a TURN server),
Fixed an issue where playback would sometimes not start unless a button was pressed in interactive mode in OBS.

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2020, 08/11 16:44 (1650day) Posted | 1142day Updated
We have released the latest version of kukuluLIVE Coffret

kukuluLIVE Coffret can be downloaded from below.
*It will be automatically updated to the latest version at startup.

This version includes the following changes:

・Multiple settings can now be made using the external transfer function
Multiple local program calls are now possible.

You can enter multiple local program paths and arguments separated by line breaks.
The program path written on the first line will be executed with the arguments written on the first line.
The program path written on the second line will be executed with the arguments written on the second line.
You can specify as many lines as you like using this method.

Please refer to the manual below for details.

With this version update, antiviruses and SmartScreen may prevent Coffret from starting (until the new binaries are on safelists in various places).
In that case, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please set the exclusion settings so that "Coffret.exe" can be executed properly.

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2020, 08/08 17:47 (1653day) Posted | 1642day Updated
・You can now rotate with your finger on touch-enabled devices.
On iOS, Android, and touch-enabled PCs, you can rotate by touching with three fingers.
Touch with four fingers to reset the rotation angle to 0°.

・Improved the mouse wheel function of the PC version Added the "Mouse Wheel (Alt/Ctrl/Shift Press)" setting so that you can independently set the mouse wheel operation while pressing the Alt/Ctrl/Shift key. became.
By default, using the mouse wheel alone will zoom, and holding down the control key will rotate.

- Mouse can now be used on touch-enabled devices
Mouse connected to Android with OTG, mouse connected to iOS via camera adapter, touch mode of touch-enabled PC,
You can now operate the UI with the mouse. To prevent incorrect operation, drawing with the mouse is not possible.

・Improved the invitation function in the room <br>When you call the invitation function from the URL displayed in the palette or the participant list,
Buttons such as copying the participation URL, displaying the QR code, accessing the OS sharing function, and posting to Twitter will be displayed.

-Fixed an issue where the number of fingers may not be recognized correctly on Android.
・Fixed an issue where changed settings in the room (shared palette and production mode) were restored after restarting the room.
・Fixed an issue where a straight line was drawn when using the eyedropper while using the straight line tool.

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2020, 07/25 23:03 (1667day) Posted | 1663day Updated
- Added function to save/restore settings to Twitter ID
While logged in with Twitter ID, in addition to the conventional settings file saving/restoring, you can save and restore settings to Twitter ID.
If you want to copy a color palette created on your computer to your iPad, you can easily do so without having to exchange files.
Of course, it can also be used for backup purposes.

-Improved the specifications for canceling drawings on the smartphone version <br>When drawing with fingers, unconfirmed drawings are now canceled as soon as you touch with two fingers.
This improvement has the following effects. The convenience of finger drawing on a smartphone has been greatly improved.
- Fixed an issue where small dots would sometimes be drawn when pinch-zooming with your finger while in pen mode.
- You can undo by tapping with your other finger without lifting your finger while drawing, and by pinch-zooming with two fingers after lifting your finger, you can zoom without undoing.

``Drawing cancel & zoom'' that can be set using ``two-finger operation'' in ``operation settings'' that has always existed,
In addition to the above, the specifications are different because drawing is canceled when you press with two fingers after releasing your finger.

- The grid function has been changed to the "auxiliary layer" function. <br>As the background function is now exclusive to owners, participants are no longer able to switch the background to check for unfilled areas.
As an alternative, the grid function has been changed to the "auxiliary layer" function, and the following switching is now possible.
Auxiliary layers are visible only to you and operate independently of the background.
- Grid (same as traditional grid, for checking size)
- Photoshop app (for checking unfilled areas and transparency)
- Black, purple, blue, green (for checking unpainted areas)

-Improved the extended palette function <br>The maximum number of extended palettes that can be saved has been tripled, and the ability to switch pages has been added.

・Improved the function to prevent incorrect operation <br>When drawing in a corner with a round eraser or thick pen,
The pen size will automatically change to the optimal size without reducing the size.

・Improved the Drawn Swamp/Blindfold Swamp <br>There is no longer a distinction between Hiragana and Katakana, and either one is now considered correct.

・If you create a time-lapse video using the video creation function, the storage period is now unlimited.<br>Unlike normal videos, it can be stored for several hundred days after it was last viewed. It will not be automatically deleted after the date has passed and will be stored forever.

・Fixed an issue where the drawing layer could be changed unintentionally in the smartphone/tablet version.
-Fixed an issue where the settings file could not be saved in the iOS app version.
-Fixed an issue where a straight line could be drawn when using two fingers on the Android version.
-Fixed an issue where shortcut keys would sometimes work while entering text.

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19 / 47 Page(s)

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