2022, 06/19 13:35 (973day) Posted | 966day Updated
By setting your own domain as a discarded email address, you can use it in the same way as the domain provided for the discarded email address.
This feature is only available with an active Premium plan.
Domains added with this feature are for your use only and cannot be used by others. Addresses are also non-transferable.

You need to get your own domain from Google Domains,, etc., and be able to change the DNS record.
If the DNS record can be changed, it can also be used for subdomains.

Setting method
1. Click "Advanced Settings" → "Domain Settings" → "Original Domain" → "Add" button.
2. Enter the domain name you own. It also supports multibyte domains.
3. Set up MX and TXT records in your DNS as shown.
4. Wait up to 1 hour for the DNS change and press the "Confirm" button.
5. Once it is confirmed that the DNS has been set correctly, you will be able to create addresses using your own domain and send and receive emails with the abandoned email address.

About DNS Settings and Domain Validity Confirmation <br>Do not change or delete the added DNS settings even after they have been confirmed.
DNS settings and domain validity are checked periodically and revert to unverified status after a period of incorrect time.
You will not be able to create addresses or send emails in an unauthenticated state.

Features that can be used <br>Emails sent and received on your own domain are encrypted with SPF/DKIM, just like other abandoned email domains.
You cannot use the "transfer address" function, but you can use all other functions.

About using the same original domain from multiple discarded emails <br>By setting a TXT record for identity verification for each discarded email account, you can share the same original domain from multiple discarded emails.

Restrictions after Premium Expiration <br>The unique domain feature can only be used when the premium plan is valid.
If your premium plan expires while using features, you will not be able to create addresses, send emails, or add domains. You can receive it with the created address.

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2022, 01/19 22:11 (1124day) Posted | 1124day Updated
Added a thread feature that allows you to see a list of interactions with email recipients.

Click the thread icon displayed at the bottom of the email body to view all conversations.

If the email recipient's address (or Reply-To) matches, it may not be a reply email, or
Even if the user has multiple addresses, all of them will be displayed.

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2022, 01/18 19:24 (1125day) Posted | 1125day Updated
Previously, in order to use the address transfer function, it was necessary to know the transfer destination's throwaway email address, but
By using the "URL/QR code" mode, it is now possible to transfer by simply notifying the transferee of the URL or QR code.

You can create a URL and QR code for the procedure by specifying "URL / QR code" in "Contact method" when starting the transfer procedure.

By communicating this URL or QR code to the transferee, the transferee can fill in their own discarded email address and carry out the transfer procedure.
Even if the other party has never used a throwaway email address, you can start using it for the first time and receive an address.

This is useful when you want to transfer your address via SNS etc.

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2022, 01/13 03:50 (1130day) Posted | 1127day Updated
Added on 2022/01/15 15:50 <br>The objection has been accepted and the "" address has been restored to normal use.
We apologize for the delay in recovery as it took us some time to make understand that the domain lock was an error and there was no problem with our operations.

Added at 22:50, 2022/01/14 (PST)
"" addresses have been restored to normal availability.
Apologies for the delay in recovery as it took some time for to understand that the domain lock was a mistake and that there was no problem with InstAddr's operation.


For the domain address,
Due to the domain being locked by the registrar, sending, receiving, and new registrations are not available.

As for the reason for the registrar lock,, the hiring registrar, explains that it is "due to spam being sent."
The email provided as evidence was not sent from the "" mail server;
Spam was sent from a third-party mail server with the "Reply-To:" header set to the address obtained from "".
Since such emails are not sent from our mail server, even the advanced spam prevention AI operated by the throwaway email address cannot prevent them from being sent.

However, the registrar only received one abuse regarding an email sent from the third party's email server.
It seems that the registrar has locked the domain without contacting me, the owner of the domain.

Regarding this matter, we will protest to the registrar and request that the registrar lock be lifted.
I'm considering transferring my domain to another registrar.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience until the issue is resolved.

For addresses in "" domain, Due to a registrar hold on the domain, sending, receiving and new registrations are not available.

As for the reason for the registrar hold, (domain registrar) says it is "due to spam being sent".

However, the email shown as the basis was not sent from "" mail server.
Spam with the address obtained from "" set in the "Reply-To:" header was sent out from a third party's mail server.

Even InstAddr's anti-spam AI cannot prevent such mail from being sent.
This is because they do not originate from InstAddr's mail server.

Inexcusably, the registrar received an "Abuse" of the mail sent from the third party's mail server and locked the registrar without notifying me.

I'm protesting to the registrar about this matter and requesting them to lift the registrar hold.
At the same time, considering transferring my domain to another registrar.

Sorry for the inconvenience and please wait for a while until the problem is resolved.
Thank you.

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2022, 01/02 16:42 (1141day) Posted | 1141day Updated
- The state is now retained even when switching tabs (app version)
The address, inbox, outbox, and new mail tabs operate independently, and their state is retained even when you switch tabs.
When you return to an already open tab, if you are already doing something, such as scrolling or opening an email, the tab will not be refreshed and you will be able to return.
If you want to refresh, please open the same tab again or use the refresh button.
Available for Android version v2021.12.30.1 or later, iOS version v2.4.2 or later.

- Improved behavior when purchasing premium plans from multiple platforms (app version)
For example, if you use one InstAddr account on Android and iOS,
After the premium plan purchased on Android had expired, even if I purchased it on iOS, it remained expired on the Android side.
Contracts with longer terms will be used first.

-Added a function to display the country information of the sender's mail server <br>You can check at a glance which country the mail was sent from.
Press this button to display information about the sender's mail server.
If the email is between two abandoned email addresses, the abandoned email address icon will be displayed.

-Improved the specifications for rejecting reception.
As a result of adding "Amazon" to the rejection list in an attempt to refuse to receive fraudulent emails pretending to be from Amazon,
In many cases, all emails sent via AmazonSES are rejected.
Among the reception rejection judgments, those related to email addresses (From, Envelope From, ReplyTo) have been improved so that they are judged only if they contain "@" or ".".
For example, if you are setting "Amazon", it will only work if "Amazon" is included in the body, and emails sent via AmazonSES will pass through.
If you also want to reject emails via AmazonSES, set "".

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2021, 11/29 07:39 (1175day) Posted | 1175day Updated
Now supports two-step authentication that requires token authentication (OTP) or email authentication after passing the conventional ID & password.

You can set it from the "Address" tab > "Account information in use" > "Two-step verification".
To enable "Two-Step Verification", you must first set up a "Recovery Address".

Currently, the following authentication methods are supported.

・When using two-step email verification, a verification code will be sent to your "recovery address".

・Token authentication (OTP)
Use an app that supports RFC 6238 (TOTP) such as "Google Authenticator".
When setting up for the first time, register with the TOTP app using a QR code or private key, and from next time onwards, authenticate using the token generated with the TOTP app.

If two-step verification is enabled, two-step verification will be required at the following times.

・When logging in (excluding logging in from a linked ID)
・When deleting an account ・When disabling two-step verification

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2021, 10/01 17:09 (1234day) Posted | 1234day Updated

In forms created using the "Email Form" function, you can now attach files as well as messages.
By default, all email forms have the ability to attach files.

When an email is sent from a form with a file attached, the email will be sent with the URL of the file attached.
File size limits, deletion deadlines, etc. comply with the specifications of File Now (

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2021, 06/13 05:12 (1344day) Posted | 1100day Updated
You can send and receive emails from other mailers (email apps) via POP3/SMTP.
This feature is only available to accounts with an active premium plan.

From the "Address" tab > "Your email address", select the address you want to access from POP3/SMTP,
Select "POP3/SMTP" to display the setting information.

If "Receive emails from all addresses" is on, you can receive emails addressed to all addresses in your discarded email account with a single POP3 account.
For sending, all addresses in the account can be specified as From regardless of options (if available in the mailer)

If "Mark all as read" is on, emails downloaded using POP3 will be marked as read on the throw away email address.

For iOS/Mac, you can install the profile from the "iOS/Mac Profile" button.
You can add sending and receiving settings to your email app without having to configure settings like you would with a mobile carrier.

We use a new and uniquely designed POP3/SMTP server because the design of throwaway emails and conventional mail protocols are very different.
The mailers whose operation is currently confirmed are as follows.
・iOS/iPadOS email ・Microsoft Outlook 2016
・MacOS Mail ・Windows10 Mail (When adding an account, from "Advanced Settings")

Differences from conventional mail protocols and limitations are as follows.
・Up to 10 CCs and BCCs per email, including TO. Everything is broken down into TOs and sent as individual emails.
・Up to 8MB including attachments per email sent.
・Unnecessary headers for sending and receiving are removed and reconstructed to discarded email specifications.
- Up to 500 items can be downloaded from POP3 at one time.

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2021, 06/11 18:47 (1346day) Posted | 1346day Updated
Added a function that can automatically generate an email address and a set password.

When registering on other sites or apps using the email address generated with a throwaway email address,
Passwords can also be generated at the same time, which is convenient because they can be managed all at once on the disposable email address.

The password is generated with 12 to 18 characters including half-width numbers, half-width alphabets (lowercase), half-width alphabets (uppercase), and half-width symbols, and is strong and safe.
You can create the password at the same time you generate the address, or you can generate the password only later.

When the address is deleted, the password will also be deleted.
If you use the address transfer function to transfer your address to someone else, you can also transfer your password as a set.

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2021, 06/01 03:36 (1356day) Posted | 1351day Updated
- Support for IDN <br>When sending to an IDN destination such as a Japanese domain, it is now possible to send as is without converting to Punycode.
It works the same way when receiving.

・The file attachment storage period for protected emails has become indefinite <br>Previously, files attached to protected emails were deleted 31 days after they were sent or received, regardless of whether they were protected.
If protected, it will now be saved indefinitely.

・You can now pull to update <br>For the smartphone version only, you can now pull the page in the inbox and outbox to update.

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