2016, 06/14 09:22 (3163day) Posted | 3156day Updated
・Added a search function for deleted addresses
You can usually delete the address and re-register the address only when necessary to avoid spam.

At this time, it was difficult to find the desired address from the huge number of deleted addresses,
The deleted address search implemented this time allows you to search from some or all addresses and aliases,
Now you can use it more conveniently.

・Added domain fix function for auto-generated address <br>The domain is set randomly in the auto-generated address, but it is now possible to fix it.

Please turn on "Fix domain when auto-generating address" in "Advanced settings",
If you manually generate an address by specifying a domain from "Add by specifying an email address" only once,
From then on, auto-generation will only use the specified domain.

・Added a function to detect source spoofing <br>Added a function to detect source address spoofing by standard detection method (SPF) and original detection method.
For typical low-level impersonation, the risk of phishing and fraudulent emails is extremely high, so emails are automatically deleted.
(You can view it from deleted emails.)

For other spoofing that uses a proxy sender while complying with SPF,
The original sender's address is displayed at the end of the email to call attention.

The original address is also displayed when using a bulk proxy sending service such as mpse, or when other addresses are imported by Gmail.

・Improved safety and fixed bugs
Stronger CSRF countermeasures,
We have fixed the problem that attached files with no original name or extension cannot be displayed.

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2016, 06/10 07:09 (3168day) Posted | 3168day Updated
In an environment where the same abandoned email account is used on multiple devices at the same time,
Added a function to delete unread push notifications on other devices when an email is marked as read on one device.

This feature is available in the following versions.

・All versions of iOS version

・Android version is version 1.9.0 or later

・Chrome add-on version is version 1.7.0 or later

・Firefox add-on version is version 1.2.0 or later.

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2016, 05/29 20:41 (3179day) Posted | 3179day Updated
You can now convert the contents of an email into a URL and share it with others via apps such as LINE and Twitter.

To share, open the email you want to share in your inbox or outbox, tap
Select "Share" from "Other".

A URL will be created, so copy this URL and teach it to others, or
You can show the contents of the email to other people by sending it on LINE or Twitter.

When the URL is created in the above procedure, the email will be shared,
You can deactivate the URL at any time by pressing "Deactivate URL and stop sharing".

Your email will not be seen by others unless you create a shared URL or disable the URL.

Note that if the email contains attachments, the attachments will also be shared.

It is more convenient than mail forwarding (Fw:) in the following points.
・You can show the email without knowing the other person's email address ・You can show it including the attached file ・You can stop sharing later

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2016, 05/28 16:00 (3180day) Posted | 3180day Updated
If you add an e-mail address from "Automatically generate and add an e-mail address",
In the past, addresses were created mechanically from random alphanumeric characters, giving priority to shortness.
In this update, while giving priority to the shortness, the shortness when Japanese people read,
The specifications have been improved with multiple considerations such as the ease of learning Japanese.

An example of an address generated with the old specification: ⇒ ABC ⇒ N.I.C.B.D.

An example of an address generated with the new specification: ⇒ Gogubi ⇒ Nogya ⇒ Tosupya

If it is unavoidable to include numbers due to duplication, etc., numbers within 3 digits will always be added at the end as shown below.

This specification applies only to the Japanese version, and the English and Korean versions are the same as before.

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2016, 05/28 00:42 (3181day) Posted | 3181day Updated
You can now create fluffy e-mail addresses ending in "".

The characters before @ are on a first-come, first-served basis for each domain, making it easier to obtain new domains.
There are now 8 types of domains that you can choose from.

nekonekoURL In the free rental web space (started in 2007, new registration ended in 2010, still available), the domain "" was used as an accompanying free email address, and at that time, We prevent third parties from registering previously registered addresses.
If you are currently using a rental web space and would like to discard the free email address you acquired between 2007 and 2010 and return to using an email address, please contact us.

It can be used on all PC, iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire versions. (No app update required)

Discarded email address

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2016, 05/06 20:40 (3202day) Posted | 3202day Updated
You can now create fluffy and fluffy email addresses ending in "".

The characters before @ are on a first-come, first-served basis for each domain, making it easier to obtain new domains.
There are now 7 types of domains that you can choose from.

It can be used on all PC, iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire versions. (No app update required)

Discarded email address

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2016, 05/05 12:15 (3203day) Posted | 3203day Updated
・Added a "drawing undo function" that allows you to go back one step

◆ Specifications
To realize the return function in raster drawing chat like MagicalDraw,
Because it requires a huge amount of resources (number of participants x number of times you can return = number of layers required),
Back function (undo) was not implemented.

The "drawing cancellation function" implemented this time is an implementation that can improve convenience without wasting resources.
It differs from normal Undo in the following points.

- After finishing one drawing (1 stroke), you can cancel the drawing for 5 seconds.
- It will be confirmed when 5 seconds have passed or you start the next drawing or operation, and it will be displayed on the other person's canvas at that point.

For example, if you draw a line that you don't like while drawing the main line from a draft,
This is useful when you are painting and the color goes beyond the main line.
However, if the "drawing undo function" is enabled, the drawing will not be reflected in real time because it will be reflected on other people's canvases after it is finalized. (same as uniform transparency pen)

◆ How to use If you turn on "Enable drawing cancellation" in "Operation settings" from "Settings", the "Drawing cancellation function" will be enabled.

The drawing you want to cancel can be canceled by pressing the [ESC] key after drawing (stop clicking the mouse or releasing the pen).
You can change the undo key by opening "Shortcut keys" from "Settings" and setting the "Undo drawing" key.

・Improved the specifications of the preview window.
Horizontally flipped and vertically flipped displays are now reduced to the entire canvas screen, and the aspect ratio is now maintained.

・Improved the specifications of the drawing swamp and the blindfold swamp.
If the participant whose turn it is to write disconnects, they will now immediately skip to the next question.

・Fixed the problem that the original quiz question could not be initialized.

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2016, 04/14 22:16 (3224day) Posted | 3224day Updated
・It is now possible to automatically generate an e-mail address on the send screen. <br>When creating an e-mail, if you set "(automatically generate and use an address)" in the "sender address",
When sending an email, a throwaway email address is automatically generated and the email is sent using that address as the sender.

・Added a function to prohibit use from anonymous proxies <br>In order to use the service more safely, connections from Tor and anonymous proxies are automatically detected using IP intelligence and access is blocked. Added functionality.

This system update does not require any app updates.

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2016, 04/12 10:50 (3226day) Posted

Throwaway email address [Mail address Poipoi] iOS app version v1.8.6 and Android app version v1.8.1 have been released.
Already available on the app store.

- Added "color theme" function.
You can change it from the "Detailed Settings" screen.
You can choose from 8 types: Default, Sakura Pink, Kusama Yellow, Turquoise, Blue Sky, Forest, Blood, and Gray.

-You can now change the sound of push notifications (new email notifications).
For iOS, this can be changed from the "Advanced Settings" screen, and will be a common setting for all accounts.
On Android, this can be changed from the settings menu and is a setting for each device.
You can choose from default (traditional sound), 1 type of Kukusama voice, 3 types of cat voice, and 1 type of sound effect.

- The settings menu has been renewed.
A new settings menu will be displayed on all versions of iOS and devices with Android v3 or later.

- Improved response speed.
The speed when checking a checkbox or tapping the opening/closing panel has been improved and now moves smoothly.

- Changed the behavior when push notifications are sent while using the app. (iOS)
Previously, notifications were displayed above the bottom menu, which was a nuisance when notifications came frequently.
We have improved the specifications so that the inbox icon only turns red.

-Improved the text of push notifications. (iOS)
Previously, only the subject of the email was displayed, but now the sender address is also displayed.
If an alias is set for the sender address, it will be replaced with the alias and displayed.

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2016, 04/09 17:59 (3229day) Posted | 3229day Updated
You can now create email addresses that end with "".
Addresses with short addresses or common phrases are also less likely to be reserved in the new domains, making them easier to obtain.

Now you have 5 domains to choose from.

Available for PC, iOS, Android, and KindleFire. (No app update required)

Throw away e-mail address [e-mail address poi-poi]


To commemorate the 3 million user breakthrough, we are distributing a campaign code that allows you to use the angel domain only on Twitter.

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