2016, 03/11 02:11 (3264day) Posted | 3264day Updated
・Improved behavior when address is already used when creating
Added a function to automatically add a number to the specified address to determine if it can be used, and to recommend it if there is an address that can be used.
Click OK in the recommendation dialog to create the address.

・Enhancement of the server <br>As a countermeasure against delays in sending and receiving emails, the performance of the email sending and receiving server has been enhanced to about 10 times.
In addition, a dedicated server for mail parsing has been newly established to reduce the load on the main server, making it easier to use.

- Fixed the behavior of saving drafts when sending emails
- Fixed an issue where the design would collapse if the root certificate was old (Android version)
・DIGNO S (KYL21) has been designated as a device that cannot be installed (Android version)

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2016, 03/11 00:23 (3265day) Posted
If some push connection destinations are assigned in the FLV version,
There was a problem that the push connection could not be made normally (data transfer could not be performed).

This issue is due to a software bug on the server side and is now fixed.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

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2016, 03/08 05:00 (3267day) Posted | 3266day Updated
・Changed so that emails cannot be deleted while protected <br>To prevent accidental deletion, protected emails cannot be deleted unless the protection is removed.
If you select and delete multiple emails, the protected emails will not be deleted, but only the unprotected emails will be deleted.

・Improved the reception rejection specification
From this time, we have improved it so that it will be received in the deletion tray. (New arrival notification does not come)
Furthermore, it is now possible to display which line of the reject list the recipient falls under.

- Fixed an issue where the same file could be attached twice
・Fixed an issue where the second and subsequent files may not be attached after direct attachment.

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2016, 03/06 22:03 (3269day) Posted

``Blindfold Swamp'' is a new mode of the strange game ``Drawing Swamp'' where the game is divided into a person who draws a picture of a specified theme (Drawer) and a person who guesses it (Answer). Now it looks like this.

In "Blindfolded Swamp," the artist cannot see what he is drawing,
I don't know what the picture looks like now.

Respondents will be asked to guess the topic from the messed up picture drawn by the artist.
This mode is recommended for advanced users who are tired of drawing.

"Blindfold Swamp" can be started by the room owner by "Operation".

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2016, 03/05 00:30 (3271day) Posted | 3271day Updated
In the following viewing modes, viewing was becoming difficult due to a lack of bandwidth, but this was resolved around midnight today.

・Mobile viewing mode ・Low image quality mode (Delivery was buffered even when distributed from Tokyo DC due to lack of bandwidth at the import source.)
・Time shift viewing (all modes)
・Time-shift recording of live broadcasts (time-shift recording during busy hours from 2016/03/01 to 03/04 may not be recorded properly)

You can use it comfortably now.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

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2016, 02/21 21:22 (3283day) Posted | 3283day Updated
-Replay recording is now possible in Chrome
-A confirmation dialog will now appear when leaving the room.

-Fixed an issue where characters in the chat field could not be selected
-Fixed an issue where the canvas was not recorded correctly when restoring it when recording a replay.
・Fixed an issue where the replay was not recorded correctly when running the drawing swamp when recording a replay.
・Fixed an issue where the canvas display of others was distorted when drawing by changing the zoom rate.
・Fixed an issue where the image quality of lines deteriorated when drawing by changing the zoom ratio.

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2016, 02/21 06:57 (3283day) Posted | 3283day Updated

- A simple editing function for "numbers" and "frame lines" is now available. <br>With the simple editing function after shooting, you can write a "number" that increases with each click,
Added the ability to write a red border.

"Gamennau" software is automatically updated to the latest version when it is started.

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2016, 02/18 09:50 (3286day) Posted

- Added canvas time shift function
While drawing with MagicalDraw (when there are changes to the canvas), the canvas contents are automatically saved every 5 minutes.
In addition to the conventional "previous state" or "previously saved state",
You can now restore the canvas to any point in time.

When time-shifted data exceeds 60MB per day, it will be deleted starting from the oldest data for that day.
The next day, it will be automatically saved again up to 60MB. Storage period is maximum 5 days.
Auto-saved canvases can only be viewed by the room owner and can be restored at any time.

The list of time shift data can only be accessed by room owners from the entry page or "Operations" in the room.

- Stroking is now possible even in tour mode <br>If you enter a room in tour mode, the pointer was not displayed previously.
A pointer is now displayed, and you can now stroke (and in some cases, bash).

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2016, 02/17 22:14 (3287day) Posted | 3286day Updated
・About the issue where comments are not updated on the smartphone app version
From February 2, 2016, there was an issue where comment updates were not displayed on the smartphone app version.
Fixed this. No app updates required.

・Problem where you cannot watch the WMV version
It was corrected on 2016/02/18.

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2016, 02/17 04:58 (3287day) Posted
The handling and functionality of attachments for throwaway email addresses has been changed as follows.

・About attached files when receiving from discarded emails <br> Only "images", "music" and "videos" are supported for attached files of received emails.
→ Added "Music" and "Video".
You can receive up to 10MB per file and a total of 10MB per email.
→ Size restrictions have been relaxed.
Other files are intentionally not supported for security reasons and will be deleted.
→ Added a function to display the reason for deletion.

About attached files when sending from a discarded email address <br>When attaching directly to an email, only "images", "music" and "videos" can be sent up to 3MB per file x 3 files, up to 9MB per email.
→ Previously, any file could be sent, but as a countermeasure against abuse, it has been changed to only "images", "music" and "videos".
If you want to send a zip file, etc., please use "Large capacity upload" from "Detailed operations for attached files".
You can send files up to 1GB with URL attachments.
→No changes regarding large-capacity uploads

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