2019, 09/30 09:23 (1966day) Posted | 1965day Updated
2019/10/01 14:50 Added Fixed an issue where the button did not respond when pressed in certain environments.

"Notification of new broadcasts (simple version without login required)"
This is a function that allows you to be notified of new broadcasts from a specific broadcaster without logging in (registering) with your kukulu ID or Twitter ID.

Just by pressing a button on the viewing page, you will be notified of new broadcasts from that broadcaster using WebPush.
This function overlaps with the WebPush notification of "favorite distributor", but
This simplified version has the great advantage of not requiring login,
You can use it with peace of mind even if you belong to a sect whose body refuses to log in.

For those who are logged in, the notification function of favorite broadcasters is more advanced as before, but
A simplified version can be used.

Even if you later migrate to the WebPush function of your favorite distributor,
Don't worry, we've made sure that you don't get duplicate notifications.

kukuluLIVE offers a wide variety of other notification methods.

Click here for details

* The number of additions to this simple version is also included in the "Favorite addition number" of the broadcaster level calculation standard.

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2019, 09/30 02:25 (1966day) Posted | 1966day Updated

“Magical Panel” is a dream-like game that allows you to instantly increase the amount of Kukupo you own by many times or even tens of times.
Become a millionaire Kukupo and take a Kukupo bath!

The rules are simple!
・Choose the Kukupo you want to bet on and start the game!
-There is only one "BAN" panel among the three panels, so if you hit any other panel, you win! A bonus will be added to the bet you make.
-If you hit the "BAN" panel, the game is over. Bets and bonuses will be forfeited!
・After 2 consecutive wins, you can finish the game with a bet and a bonus!
・You can continue the game until you win 5 consecutive wins, and the bonus will increase with each consecutive win! !

magical panel

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2019, 09/27 01:21 (1969day) Posted | 923day Updated
The latest version of kukuluLIVE Coffret has been released.
This version includes the following changes:

・Improved the OBS Studio startup function As the "Easy Setup" implementation approach is becoming obsolete, we plan to improve the "OBS Studio Startup" feature in the future to replace it.
This time, we have made improvements so that the OBS Studio settings for those with knowledge are not broken, and the settings for beginners are reduced.
Specifically, if required keyframe settings or rate control settings are not done correctly, they will be done automatically.
If other settings such as bit rate deviate from normal values, they will be corrected automatically.
Do not change other settings as much as possible.
"Easy Setup" can still be used as before, but it is not recommended for new distributors.

Click here for distribution settings in OBS Studio

With this version update, antiviruses and SmartScreen may prevent Coffret from starting (until the new binaries are on safelists in various places).
In that case, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please set the exclusion settings so that "Coffret.exe" can be executed properly.

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2019, 09/09 03:46 (1987day) Posted | 923day Updated
We have released the latest version of kukuluLIVE Coffret
This version includes the following changes:

・Added comment viewer function for co-streamers <br>Coffret can now be used as a comment viewer while a streamer who has added you as a co-streamer is broadcasting.
For example, when participating as a guest on a call, you could previously use the text-to-speech function in the comments section of the browser version, but now you will be able to use Coffret's text-to-speech function in the same way as the broadcaster.

If you start Coffret when the co-distributor settings are met but no broadcast slot has been acquired, a confirmation dialog will appear asking if you want to start it as a comment viewer.
Click here for details ⇒

Please see below for information on co-distributors.

With this version update, antiviruses and SmartScreen may prevent Coffret from starting (until the new binaries are on safelists in various places).
In that case, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please set the exclusion settings so that "Coffret.exe" can be executed properly.

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2019, 09/09 03:04 (1987day) Posted | 1985day Updated
・Added a function that allows you to sell emotions with broadcaster points
You can start selling from My Emotion Room.
While selling with distributor points, it will not be displayed on the emotion list page, but will only be displayed on your own KOM.

・Emotions being distributed are now displayed on KOM <br>Emotions being distributed are now displayed on your own distribution page and profile page, making it easier for viewers to see.
Only the top 12 items are displayed, so you can display any item by sorting to the top.

・The maximum number of broadcast slots has been added <br>Because there was a shortage of broadcast slots during peak hours, we increased the number of broadcast slots with recordings. (80→100)

・Image comments can now be used on smartphones <br>Image comments (SS comments) can be used from smartphone web and smartphone apps.
You can open the comment section by clicking on the "three" icon in the upper right corner.

-Improved the voting function <br>You can now start voting even if there is only one option.
Additionally, it is now possible to require entry in the "free entry field".

・Fixed an issue where the participation qualification function could not be used
Fixed an issue where the "Participation Eligibility" function could not be used.
Available only when starting from the broadcast slot management page.

-Added function restriction settings.
You can now use the following prohibited functions from "Disable and Restrict" in the distribution settings.
- [B bomb] [Omikuji scratch] function prohibited
- [Raise title] [Heart points] Disable function
- [Give Kukupo] function

・Improved the drawing comment editor <br>Updated to the latest version of the built-in MagicalDraw, and added a confirmation screen when posting.

-Improved so that the comment block is not initialized when blacklist is initialized.
- The maximum number of emotions that can be registered has been relaxed (200 → 400)
- The maximum number of favorite streamers to register has been relaxed (100 → 1000)
・Fixed an issue where the beginning of comments may not be displayed on the smartphone version of Time Shift.

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2019, 08/27 02:26 (2000day) Posted | 1999day Updated
08/28 update: It is now possible to post the reason for deletion in a shorter period

Regarding recordings (time shift) that are intentionally deleted or made private due to the function or the operation of the broadcaster,
Because there are so many cases of people misunderstanding that it has been regulated and deleted and inquiring about it,
We have improved it as follows.

・Case where the broadcaster deleted the broadcast <br>In this case, it was deleted from the distribution record list and was no longer displayed anywhere.
When I accessed the URL, a message saying "The broadcast has been deleted by the broadcaster" was displayed, but there was no other way to access it other than the history.

This time, for 7 days, it has been improved to leave it in the list as "(deleted by distributor)" .
Since the broadcaster has requested to delete it from their records, it will disappear from the list as usual after 7 days.
In addition, you will be able to enter the reason for deletion when deleting "Broadcast list so far" on the broadcast slot management page,
If you enter it, the reason for deletion will also be included in the list.

・Cases where non-recording broadcast slots are used (as before)
On kukuluLIVE, broadcasters who do not wish to record their broadcasts can select a "non-recording broadcast frame" at the start of the broadcast.
If this broadcast slot is used, no recording will remain. "No recording frame" is displayed in the list.

・ Cases where the distributor has made the distribution private (as before)
On kukuluLIVE, you can make specific broadcasts or all of your broadcasts private without deleting them.
In this case, it will be displayed as "Recording private" in the list.
There is also a function that allows you to view even private broadcasts by requesting viewing from the broadcaster and being approved.

・Cases deleted by the administrator due to rule violation <br>We will send an individual message to the sender.
When you access the URL, the reason for deletion is displayed.
In addition to the above, improvements have been made to remain in the list as "(deleted by administrator)" for 7 days .
After 7 days, it will disappear from the list as before.
*Basically, we are available 24 hours a day, so it is very rare that we need to respond after the recording has started.

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2019, 08/26 04:23 (2001day) Posted
- Fixed a bug where drawings disappear on iOS/Mac (Safari) <br>If the size of the canvas is exceeded during operations such as merging layers,
Fixed a nightmare bug that caused the control area to appear completely white.

・Improved the maximum zoom out value for the smartphone version <br>You can now zoom out.

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2019, 08/23 04:08 (2004day) Posted | 2002day Updated
-Improved the live broadcast viewing player
- Improved to display captured images until a keyframe is received when viewing starts
- Improvements have been made to reduce blackouts, such as capturing and displaying the last video when switching image quality modes or reconnecting.
- If the encoder needs to be started when switching to low quality mode, improved to continue watching in high quality until it starts
- Improved to mute and play and click to unmute when audio playback is blocked by Chrome or Firefox AutoPlay policy

-Improved the time shift viewing player
- Added a function to display a thumbnail image when the mouse is placed on the seek bar, the time at the time of broadcasting at the top, and the playback time at the bottom
- Added a function to display the URL where you can resume playback from the current playback position in the lower right of the comment field and copy it by clicking.
- Improved to display this on the player when playback is started from the playback time specified URL

・MagicalBenchmark has been updated <br>The actual memory bandwidth (including multi-channel) and latency have been added to the evaluation targets.
Even if you have a large amount of memory installed, if it is a bottleneck in terms of speed, points will be deducted.
Conversely, points are added in a high-speed environment.

・Improved options for adding identification symbols to comments <br>Previously, identification symbols were added to the end of all comments in the form of "@XXX" and were visible to everyone.
This time, there is an option to "Display identification symbol on anonymous comments", and if Kotehan (name display comment) is turned off,
Changed to display a tip that says "Anonymous XXX".
Since it is treated in the same way as Kotehan, it will not be visible to viewers if "Show name display comment icon to viewers" is turned off.
You can also set it so that it does not read out by excluding iron-handling in the reading settings.

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2019, 08/23 04:01 (2004day) Posted | 923day Updated
We have released the latest version of kukuluLIVE Coffret
This version includes the following changes:

- Fixed an issue where the URL was read out as is .<br>From now on, the address part will be read out as "URL".

・Fixed an issue where the reading notification window was displayed.

With this version update, antiviruses and SmartScreen may prevent Coffret from starting (until the new binaries are on safelists in various places).
In that case, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please set the exclusion settings so that "Coffret.exe" can be executed properly.

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2019, 08/17 07:11 (2010day) Posted | 2010day Updated
Microsoft support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020.
All support, including security patches, will be removed and the product's lifespan will end.
This makes it basically impossible to continue using it.

MagicalDraw will support the following after January 14, 2020.

・Support support
After January 14, 2020, only Windows 8.1 or later will be supported.

・Room operation
After January 14, 2020, it will no longer be possible to join a room using the Windows 7 Internet Explorer browser.
Although Chrome and Firefox can be used on Windows 7, they are not subject to operation verification and do not support pen pressure.

・About Wacom's NPAPI add-on
In Windows 10, pen pressure can be used in Windows Ink (new mode), so
After January 14, 2020, support for Wacom add-ons for Windows 7 will also end.

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