We have added a feature that allows you to automatically recover your e-mail address if you forget your ID or password.
By setting a "recovery address" in advance, you can authenticate your email using that address and recover your account immediately.
You can set a recovery address at any time by selecting ``Set/Change Recovery Address'' from ``Account Information in Use'' on the Discarded Email Address ``Address'' tab.

*Recovery address This is for emergency use when the throwaway email address becomes unusable, so you cannot specify the throwaway email address. Please specify the address of another service.
*If your settings allow you to receive emails from your computer, you can also set your mobile carrier's address.
If you can no longer access your abandoned email account, you can recover it using the form below.
https://m.kuku.lu/smphone.app.rescue.php Accounts that do not have a recovery address registered will still require manual identity verification by the administrator.