2021, 03/08 22:19 (1441day) Posted | 1441day Updated
・You can now use Canvas' tweet function even if you are not logged in to Twitter.
If you are logged in to Twitter, canvas images and time-lapse videos will be embedded in tweets, but
If you are not logged in, you can tweet images as "Gamennow" and videos as "Douganow" URLs.
There is no storage limit, so it will not disappear over time, and it also supports Twitter Cards, so a thumbnail will appear on the tweet.
Please use this if you are unable to log in for religious reasons.

・You can now tweet "saved canvas" and "canvas timeshift" images. Previously, the only image that could be embedded in a tweet was the latest canvas image in the room.
You can open a canvas image using "Saved Canvas" or "Canvas Time Shift" and embed that image from the "Tweet" button and tweet it.

- When tweeting a canvas image, you can now trim it on your smartphone. You can also trim any part of the canvas and tweet on your smartphone, just like on the PC version.

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2021, 02/27 05:21 (1450day) Posted | 1449day Updated
-Improved canvas time shift <br>Previously it was saved at 90 second intervals, but now it is saved at 60 second intervals.
This allows you to control rewinding with more precise timing and improves time-lapse reproducibility.
The maximum capacity of the restoreable canvas has also been increased.

- Improved behavior when logging in to Twitter. When logging in to Twitter for the second time or later, a screen where you can select an account has been improved.

-Improved the problem when the Twitter session expired in the app version.
Fixed an issue where error 303 was displayed when automatically re-logging in to maintain Twitter login.

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2021, 02/13 19:45 (1464day) Posted
・You can now invert when copying or moving a selected area. When using the specified area copy or area specified move function, you can now use horizontal and vertical inversion.

-Fixed a bug when restoring a saved canvas <br>Fixed an issue where saved canvas data could be lost if saved and immediately restored.

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2021, 02/13 19:10 (1464day) Posted | 1458day Updated
In other distribution services that support "screen distribution" that can distribute smartphone games, etc.
Attacks have been confirmed in which the Twitter accounts of broadcasters are hijacked using the following techniques.

1. A malicious attacker sends a one-time key for recovering the account of the broadcaster, such as Twitter, while broadcasting.
2. Push notifications of new SMS and emails are displayed on the sender's smartphone and are reflected in the delivery.
3. Malicious attacker verifies the key via distribution and takes over the account

kukuluLIVE also uses the screen distribution function of the kukuluLIVE Encoder2 app,
If you use a smartphone screen capture from a computer, there is a risk of being subject to the above attacks.

[If you are using Android]
Turn on Do Not Disturb while using Screen Streaming.
*Functions and UI may differ depending on the model and version.

[If using an iPhone or iPad]
In screen distribution using the iOS version of the app alone, comments are displayed via push notifications, so if you hide the entire push notification, you will not be able to see the comments.
In this environment, we recommend that you turn off push notifications for apps such as Messages, Gmail, Mail, and LINE .

If you use SplitView on your iPad to always display the comments section, you can turn off push notifications altogether.
If you want to use "Do not disturb mode", you need to set it as follows.

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2021, 02/08 08:16 (1469day) Posted | 1462day Updated
-Added the setting ``Only for viewing when the owner is not present'' to ``Entry Restrictions'' Only general users can enter in participation mode.
If you are not present, you can only take a tour.

-Improved the time-lapse video function
In consideration of Twitter posting, videos are now created by automatically adjusting the fps so that they do not exceed 140 seconds.

・Improved the specifications of canvas time shift <br>When the daily storage capacity is reached, the oldest canvas data will be deleted.
Only the last item will be retained every hour instead of being deleted.

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2021, 02/07 00:50 (1470day) Posted | 1470day Updated
We have released version 3.0.1 of the distribution app "kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (iOS version)".

- Bitrate efficiency (image quality) in screen distribution mode has been increased by 5 times and fps has been increased by 2 times.
Due to improved bitrate efficiency, image quality can be improved several times even with less than half the bitrate of previous versions.
Previously, we recommended a video speed of 2000Kbps or higher, but even 1000Kbps provides a sufficiently clear image.
It also supports adaptive bitrate, which reduces bandwidth consumption in low-motion situations.
fps is fixed at 30 instead of the previous 15.

- In screen distribution mode, it is now possible to include the playback sound of the app in the distribution. (mixer function)
To enable it, open the "Reading/Quality/Sound Quality" setting from the settings button on the bottom right during distribution and turn on "Add app sound to distribution".
Not recommended for older devices as it consumes a lot of memory.

- In screen delivery mode, you can now mute the microphone from the app.
You can still use the microphone mute for screen capture on the iOS side.
If both are set differently, it will be muted if either is muted.

・You can now preview videos in screen delivery mode/external RTMP delivery mode <br>When you press the preview icon, the delivered video will be displayed in PinP on the comment screen. There is a delay because it goes through the server.

-Fixed an issue where some colors were not displayed correctly when watching streams on non-iOS devices

kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (iOS version)

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2021, 02/03 15:23 (1474day) Posted
Version 3.21.0 of the distribution app "kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (Android/FireOS version)" has been released.

- A video mute function has been added to the camera distribution.
From the icon on the screen, you can mute the camera image and switch to a black image.

- Added flashlight function to camera distribution.
For devices equipped with a rear flashlight, you can turn it on or off using the on-screen icon.

- Added autofocus settings to camera distribution.
Previously, autofocus settings were switched by tapping the broadcast screen, but
Improved the method to turn on/off from the autofocus icon.

- Added a function that allows you to change the bit rate without disconnecting the push connection.
You can change the bit rate without disconnecting the push connection from the Settings button → Comments/Image quality → Encoder settings.
It also supports screen distribution.

-Added the upper limit of video bitrate to 4Mbps.
- The setting of the audio bitrate alone has been abolished, and it has been improved so that it is automatically set according to the video bitrate.
- The Camera2API setting has been abolished and changed to use Camera2API on all devices.
-Improved to open the Android sharing function when pressing the Twitter button.
- Fixed an issue where the camera could rotate 180 degrees on Fire tablets.

kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (Android version)

kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (FireOS version);field-brandtextbin=Kukusama&index=mobile-apps&search-type=ss

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2021, 01/31 19:02 (1477day) Posted | 1477day Updated
We have released version 3.0.1 of the distribution app "kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (iOS version)".

- Screen distribution function is now available from iPad.
The screen distribution function that distributes the iPad screen from the iPad can now be used in the same way as the iPhone.
Works fine only on AppleA11 and newer devices.
Please note that older versions may crash.
(iPad Pro 3 or later, iPad 8 or later, iPad Air 3 or later, iPad mini 5 or later, iPhone 8 or later are recommended)

SplitView can be used in iPad's screen distribution mode, so you can stream games while keeping the comment section visible.
(SplitView cannot be used in camera distribution mode.)

-Improved resolution, image quality, and stability.
Improved image quality for both camera and screen broadcasts.

・You can now turn on/off autofocus and autoexposure for camera distribution.
During camera streaming, ``AF (autofocus)'' and ``AE (auto exposure)'' icons are displayed on the screen and can be turned on or off as desired.

・Supported flashlight lighting mode for camera distribution.
During camera streaming, a flashlight icon will be displayed on the screen, and the back light will be lit when it is on.
Useful for shooting in dark places. It does not work on devices that do not have a flashlight, such as an iPad.

- Supported video off mode for camera distribution.
This function allows you to mute the video like a microphone mute.
You can turn it on and off from the camera icon on the screen, and when you turn off the video, the kukuluLIVE logo image will be broadcast instead of the camera video.

- It is now possible to change the bit rate for camera distribution and screen distribution without disconnecting the push connection.
You can change the bitrate while connected via push connection from the settings icon at the bottom right.

・Improved to open the comment reading settings panel even during screen distribution and external RTMP distribution.
Reading works only when the Encoder app is in the forefront. In the case of SplitView, the last operated app is the frontmost one.
If you use text-to-speech, set the Do Not Disturb mode to stop push notifications.
If it is on the back, please use the push notification function.

-Improved the preview video of camera distribution to fit the screen size.
-Added the upper limit of bit rate setting to 4Mbps.
-Fixed an issue where the comment field was cut off when using SplitView on iPad.
-Fixed an issue where the UI would remain in portrait mode when starting a broadcast in landscape mode.

kukuluLIVE Encoder 2 (iOS version)

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2021, 01/12 06:35 (1496day) Posted | 1494day Updated
・ Added gem system <br>Experience points are accumulated from drawing time, number of drawings, game scores, etc., and you can now acquire gems according to your level with a certain amount of experience points.
Gems are displayed as icons before their names.

You can check your gem level and experience points from my page.

As you acquire better gems, you will receive various benefits.

Twitter login is required to accumulate experience points, but if you are logged in (link is enabled), you can accumulate experience points even if you enter the room in anonymous mode.
(A stone will be displayed for participants in anonymous mode.)

・Added a function that allows you to cut out the canvas and immediately create a pointer by stroking.
You can cut out a part of the canvas in the room and stroke it to turn it into a pointer.

It can be used only when logged in to Twitter, and the created pointer can be managed from "My Page" → "Manage My Pointer".

・Added a function to select a stroking pointer from a list in the room.
You can now display a list of public pointers and room pointers and use whatever you like.

Previously, public pointers were used by adding them to My Pointer while logged in to Twitter.
This feature allows you to use public pointers even if you are not logged in.
(If you want to create your own or manage the list, you need to log in)

・Added a function to erase all the drawing hands in the drawing swamp <br>You can now erase all the canvas even if you are not the owner.

・Added a pause function to Oekaki no Swamp <br>The owner can now pause and resume the progress (countdown) of the game.
While the game is paused, even if a correct answer is given, it will not be judged as correct. I can't even move on to the next game.
If you pause with less than 10 seconds remaining, when you restart, it will start from the remaining 10 seconds.
For example, it is useful when you want to wait until the painter finishes drawing, or when you want to draw until you are satisfied after receiving an answer.

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2021, 01/09 04:52 (1499day) Posted | 1428day Updated
・You can now create a dictionary of quiz data for Painter's Swamp/Blindfold's Swamp.
While logged in with your Twitter ID, you can now create multiple original quiz dictionaries and use them across rooms.
You can create and manage quizzes from "Manage original quizzes" on "My Page".

In addition to using the dictionary in the room you own, you can also make it public for other people to play with by switching the dictionary to "Public".

You can use self-made dictionaries or public dictionaries by selecting them at the start of the game.
If you just want to use a public dictionary, you do not need to log in with your Twitter ID.

You can continue to use the original quiz function that is set for each room, but it is scheduled to be discontinued in the future, so please migrate to it.
1. While using the original dictionary, quizzes will be asked from that dictionary.
2. Otherwise, if an original quiz has been set for each room, the quiz will be asked from there.
3. If none of the above is true, MagicalDraw's default quiz will be asked.

-Improved the quiz judgment for Painter's Swamp/Blindfold's Swamp <br>Hiragana/Katakana are no longer distinguished and some symbols are now ignored.

・Changed the method for identifying individuals <br>Due to the increasing number of users using the same network,
Devices accessed for the first time after January 8, 2021 have been changed so that each device is recognized as a different person.
Please log in with your Twitter ID to synchronize your history and owner rights.

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