2024, 06/21 17:46 (234day) Posted | 234day Updated
We have added a function that allows you to register and publish original backgrounds, line drawings (coloring pages), frames, dividing lines, etc.

On the "Add original background/line drawing" page, register the PNG image you have prepared.

When you register, you can choose how you want to be placed on the canvas.
By placing the background image in the back and the line art and frame in the front, you can use it for coloring books, etc.

Registering it alone will not make it public, and it will only be available for use in rooms that you own.
With the previous feature, if you registered a background or other item to the room itself, you had to re-register it if you changed rooms, but with this new feature you can call it up at any time, even across rooms.

If you make it public, anyone can use it. You can also create a new room from there.

If you want to use them from within the room, the owner can display the list by doing the following:

Once you have completed a coloring book or other work, you can "save the current canvas to the server" and it will be posted as an example of your work.

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