2024, 06/18 06:36 (212day) Posted | 211day Updated
Comment pre-posting is a function that sends a webhook when a comment is posted and waits for a response before posting.

You can process the comment content with your own program, modify the comment content before posting it, or cancel posting altogether.
For example, you can process the body of comments using AI, integrate with your own NG filters, or apply replacements.

Comments won't be posted until processing is complete, increasing comment lag for viewers.
If you simply want to get new comments, please do not use this Webhook and use the existing "New Comments" Webhook.

To avoid disrupting the user experience, if the Webhook execution time (including handshake) exceeds 6 seconds, the process will time out and be ignored.

External Connection Webhook

Want AI to turn all your comments into ladylike speech?
It's easier to use the hidden mode, which allows you to do this yourself (this feature allows you to create the same thing yourself).

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