2022, 01/18 19:24 (1125day) Posted | 1125day Updated
Previously, in order to use the address transfer function, it was necessary to know the transfer destination's throwaway email address, but
By using the "URL/QR code" mode, it is now possible to transfer by simply notifying the transferee of the URL or QR code.

You can create a URL and QR code for the procedure by specifying "URL / QR code" in "Contact method" when starting the transfer procedure.

By communicating this URL or QR code to the transferee, the transferee can fill in their own discarded email address and carry out the transfer procedure.
Even if the other party has never used a throwaway email address, you can start using it for the first time and receive an address.

This is useful when you want to transfer your address via SNS etc.

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