2022, 01/13 03:50 (1099day) Posted
| 1096day Updated
2022/01/15 15:50追記
異議申し立てが受理され、"ccmail.uk" アドレスが通常通りご利用いただける状態に回復しました。
Added at 22:50, 2022/01/14 (PST)
"ccmail.uk" addresses have been restored to normal availability.
Apologies for the delay in recovery as it took some time for internet.bs to understand that the domain lock was a mistake and that there was no problem with InstAddr's operation.
ccmail.uk ドメインのアドレスについては、
根拠として示されたメールは "ccmail.uk" のメールサーバから送信されておらず、
"ccmail.uk" で取得したアドレスを "Reply-To:" ヘッダに設定されたスパムが第三者のメールサーバから発信されていました。
For addresses in "ccmail.uk" domain, Due to a registrar hold on the domain, sending, receiving and new registrations are not available.
As for the reason for the registrar hold, internet.bs (domain registrar) says it is "due to spam being sent".
However, the email shown as the basis was not sent from "ccmail.uk" mail server.
Spam with the address obtained from "ccmail.uk" set in the "Reply-To:" header was sent out from a third party's mail server.
Even InstAddr's anti-spam AI cannot prevent such mail from being sent.
This is because they do not originate from InstAddr's mail server.
Inexcusably, the registrar received an "Abuse" of the mail sent from the third party's mail server and locked the registrar without notifying me.
I' m protesting to the registrar about this matter and requesting them to lift the registrar hold.
At the same time, considering transferring my domain to another registrar.
Sorry for the inconvenience and please wait for a while until the problem is resolved.
Thank you.
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