2022, 01/02 17:01 (1133day) Posted | 1126day Updated
- Added a "partial restore" function. This function is designed to prevent the sadness of "I want to rewind and restore, but I don't want to lose what I've drawn since I saved it, or I'm completely stuck."
You can restore only a specified part of the data from the "saved canvas" or "auto-save canvas (time shift)" to the desired position.

Press the "Partially restore" button.

Select the area you want to restore and press "OK".

You can restore the restored data by specifying the position, size, and transparency where you want to paste it and pressing the "Paste" button.
You can restore with the state of all layers preserved.

・Added "Uniform transparency eraser" function <br>It is an eraser version with the same specifications as the uniform transparency pen.
Even if you lower the transparency, you can draw with the same transparency during one stroke.
Pen pressure is not available.

-Added a feature that allows you to check room comments from within the room <br>You can check room comments within the room without returning to the admission page.
In the PC version, press the room URL on the palette or press "Room information" on the upper right.

In the mobile version, press the icon on the left.

・Added a function to automatically save settings (only when logged in to Twitter)
While logged in to Twitter, settings (various settings, palette colors, etc.) are saved.
Cookies are now automatically restored when you delete cookies or log in on a new device.

・Added the "Hold-up" function. You can open a window that does not respond to touch by selecting "Operation Settings" > "Use Hand-holding".
It is convenient to place it where the palm of your hand touches it. It protects you from accidental taps that cannot be covered by palm rejection.

-Improved the "Function Restrictions" function. It is now possible to set only the owner to view "Saved Canvas", "Time Shift", and "Replay".

- Improved the specifications of the eyedropper <br>When the eyedropper mode is set to "Absorb using display color", layer transparency is now reflected.
(If the layer transparency is 1%, it will be composited and absorbed as 1%)

All eyedropper modes will no longer blot a layer if its transparency is 0%.
(If it is 1% or more, it will be absorbed as 100%)

-Extended the maximum canvas size in offline mode to 5000 x 5000
・Background image, drawing protection function, image pasting, and reference image display are now available in offline mode.

-Fixed an issue where someone else's selected color would sometimes be reflected in your own pen color.
-Fixed an issue where canvas size in offline mode was not retained
-Fixed an issue where the restore position of "Restore only part" may be different.
-Fixed an issue where some canvases may be missing when creating a time-lapse video

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