2021, 06/13 05:12 (1340day) Posted | 1096day Updated
You can send and receive emails from other mailers (email apps) via POP3/SMTP.
This feature is only available to accounts with an active premium plan.

From the "Address" tab > "Your email address", select the address you want to access from POP3/SMTP,
Select "POP3/SMTP" to display the setting information.

If "Receive emails from all addresses" is on, you can receive emails addressed to all addresses in your discarded email account with a single POP3 account.
For sending, all addresses in the account can be specified as From regardless of options (if available in the mailer)

If "Mark all as read" is on, emails downloaded using POP3 will be marked as read on the throw away email address.

For iOS/Mac, you can install the profile from the "iOS/Mac Profile" button.
You can add sending and receiving settings to your email app without having to configure settings like you would with a mobile carrier.

We use a new and uniquely designed POP3/SMTP server because the design of throwaway emails and conventional mail protocols are very different.
The mailers whose operation is currently confirmed are as follows.
・iOS/iPadOS email ・Microsoft Outlook 2016
・MacOS Mail ・Windows10 Mail (When adding an account, from "Advanced Settings")

Differences from conventional mail protocols and limitations are as follows.
・Up to 10 CCs and BCCs per email, including TO. Everything is broken down into TOs and sent as individual emails.
・Up to 8MB including attachments per email sent.
・Unnecessary headers for sending and receiving are removed and reconstructed to discarded email specifications.
- Up to 500 items can be downloaded from POP3 at one time.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート

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