2021, 05/06 20:25 (1278day) Posted
- Maximum image resolution has been improved
You can now shoot at full size without downscaling up to 1400 x 1200 pixels.

-Added image format automatic optimization function <br>Previously, all images were shot and processed in JPEG format, but
The optimal image format is now selected depending on the subject.
PNG is more suitable than JPEG for UI screenshots, etc.

-Improved the login function
In addition to kukulu ID and Twitter ID, you can now log in with Apple ID and Google ID.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
Articles in this category:
2021, 05
2021/05/06 ScreenNow Software update notice
2021, 03
2020, 07
2016, 07
2016, 02

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