2021, 03/08 22:19 (1440day) Posted | 1440day Updated
・You can now use Canvas' tweet function even if you are not logged in to Twitter.
If you are logged in to Twitter, canvas images and time-lapse videos will be embedded in tweets, but
If you are not logged in, you can tweet images as "Gamennow" and videos as "Douganow" URLs.
There is no storage limit, so it will not disappear over time, and it also supports Twitter Cards, so a thumbnail will appear on the tweet.
Please use this if you are unable to log in for religious reasons.

・You can now tweet "saved canvas" and "canvas timeshift" images. Previously, the only image that could be embedded in a tweet was the latest canvas image in the room.
You can open a canvas image using "Saved Canvas" or "Canvas Time Shift" and embed that image from the "Tweet" button and tweet it.

- When tweeting a canvas image, you can now trim it on your smartphone. You can also trim any part of the canvas and tweet on your smartphone, just like on the PC version.

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