2020, 12/08 16:29 (1525day) Posted | 80day Updated
In online games, SNS, etc., there are cases where people other than the administrator include “Kukusama” (※) in the name of their characters or accounts or use similar names.
We believe that most of these uses are made by regular users of the site or services in a manner that clearly distinguishes them from the administrator, and we do not prohibit such uses.

Unfortunately, some games and websites are misleading users into thinking they are administrators,
There are users who are misusing the name "Kukusama" for illegal or inappropriate activities.
Complaints about the user's malicious behavior are often sent to administrators.

Administrators will never ask for account information or ask for money or items from others under any circumstances.
Furthermore, we will not take part in any unfair discrimination or slander.
Please be careful not to become a victim.

The accounts and characters acquired by the administrator under the name "Kukusama" are all listed below.
I am not active on other online games (Switch, Steam, PSN, etc.) or SNS (IG, FB, etc.).
All accounts containing "Kukusama" or "Kukusama" not included below have been created by other people.

Japan Marie "Kukusa Mariyu"
Japan Rueri "Kukusamariyu"
Japan Tarlach "Kukusamariyu"

[Ragnarok Origin]
Japan Iris "Kukusama"

[Ragnarok X]
Japan Angeling "Kukusama"


*The character "Kukusama" was registered as a trademark in 2017 (No. 5925248).

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート
Articles in this category:
2020, 12
2020/12/08 Important Please be careful of characters and accounts pretending to be administrators (reposted)
2020, 01
2019, 01

© Kukusama.