2020, 09/30 10:33 (1570day) Posted | 1570day Updated
- Improved kukuluLIVE Facerig over Network <br>Improved so that the reflection of start and stop of publishing is faster and more stable even during busy hours.
In addition, it has been improved so that it can operate even in environments where normal communication was not possible in the past.

Click here for how to use kukuluLIVE Facerig over Network

・Improved kukuluLIVE VirtualCam over Network
OBS v26 and later added support for VirtualCamera, so
In addition to XSplit, it is now available from OBS as well.

In an environment where OBS (v26 or later) is installed, the "Use OBS" button below will be displayed.

It's extremely convenient because you can use VirtualCam over Network without touching XSplit! Thank you OBS

Similar to Facerig over Network, we have also added improvements to the communication area.

Click here to learn how to use kukuluLIVE VirtualCam over Network

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