2019, 12/11 20:36 (1894day) Posted | 1888day Updated
[For viewers]

Distributions with the NSFW attribute setting turned on are not displayed in the distribution list by default.
To display it in the list, you need to switch ``Distribution that may contain inappropriate expressions'' from ``Settings'' on the top page to ``Display''.

[For distributors]

When distributing content that includes NSFW attributes (as long as it does not violate the guidelines),
You must turn on "Notify viewers before watching that inappropriate content will be broadcast."

This feature is intended to be considerate to viewers who do not like broadcasts that include NSFW attributes.
It does not make the rules any less applicable.
The penalty will be applied regardless of whether this setting is on or off.
Additionally, the NSFW attribute may be automatically turned on based on judgment by the administrator or machine learning.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート

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