2019, 08/23 04:08 (1973day) Posted
| 1970day Updated
-Improved the live broadcast viewing player
- Improved to display captured images until a keyframe is received when viewing starts
- Improvements have been made to reduce blackouts, such as capturing and displaying the last video when switching image quality modes or reconnecting.
- If the encoder needs to be started when switching to low quality mode, improved to continue watching in high quality until it starts
- Improved to mute and play and click to unmute when audio playback is blocked by Chrome or Firefox AutoPlay policy
-Improved the time shift viewing player
- Added a function to display a thumbnail image when the mouse is placed on the seek bar, the time at the time of broadcasting at the top, and the playback time at the bottom
- Added a function to display the URL where you can resume playback from the current playback position in the lower right of the comment field and copy it by clicking.
- Improved to display this on the player when playback is started from the playback time specified URL
・MagicalBenchmark has been updated <br>The actual memory bandwidth (including multi-channel) and latency have been added to the evaluation targets.
Even if you have a large amount of memory installed, if it is a bottleneck in terms of speed, points will be deducted.
Conversely, points are added in a high-speed environment.
・Improved options for adding identification symbols to comments <br>Previously, identification symbols were added to the end of all comments in the form of "@XXX" and were visible to everyone.
This time, there is an option to "Display identification symbol on anonymous comments", and if Kotehan (name display comment) is turned off,
Changed to display a tip that says "Anonymous XXX".
Since it is treated in the same way as Kotehan, it will not be visible to viewers if "Show name display comment icon to viewers" is turned off.
You can also set it so that it does not read out by excluding iron-handling in the reading settings.
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