2019, 02/13 04:39 (2187day) Posted
| 2182day Updated
・You can now draw at full resolution on the iPad.The smartphone version is downsampled to save memory, but now you can draw on the iPad at the same resolution as the PC version. (Since it is Retina, it will be more blurry than the PC version)
- Separated canvas movement and stroking mode in smartphone version 1 is the canvas movement tool and 2 is the stroking mode.
- The same circle color picker as the PC version can now be used on the smartphone version. -Added margins to the left and top of the smartphone version canvas -Improved the smartphone version of the simple tool and added a pen and eraser thickness preview. - Window position can now be saved in the smartphone version - Improved auto clear and game mode guides・If you log in with Twitter ID when the owner logs in, it will be associated, and from now on, you can log in as the owner by logging in with Twitter ID. -Improved the operation of enlarging and reducing, making it easier to use -Improved the UI of the preview window -Fixed an issue where the stroking pointer would not appear in tour mode etc.・Fixed an issue where the stroke pointer had a drawing cancel judgment.・Fixed an issue where unintended drawing would occur in rare cases when using a pen tablet on Windows 10 or later or Mac. -Fixed an issue where canvas could not be downloaded in replay mode -Fixed an issue where some operations were not replayed correctly in replay mode. -Fixed an issue where the aspect ratio would collapse if the preview window was not resized. -Fixed an issue where the screen may become distorted when using a mask pen -Fixed an issue where the chat window could not be closed -Fixed an issue where the preview may not work properly when changing the angle
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