2019, 01/25 23:14 (2209day) Posted
| 2209day Updated
Under the previous specifications, up to three files of 3MB or less were "direct upload",
Files larger than that were attached using "large upload", but these have been integrated.
With the new specifications, files will be attached as shown below.
・Image files with a total size of 9MB or less will be attached directly to the email. The file will be saved directly to the recipient's mailbox.
There is no limit to the number of files as long as the total size is 9MB or less.
- Total of 9MB or more or non-image files (up to 20 files of 1GB maximum)
The download URL will be added to the email body.
Downloads have a time limit, but they will be retained for at least two weeks after the last download.
Files will be automatically uploaded in an appropriate manner without any errors depending on the size or number of files.
You can also now upload multiple files at once.
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