2018, 07/03 00:26 (2393day) Posted | 2393day Updated
Thank you for participating in the stamp rally campaign on kukuluLIVE.

We will notify the winners of the giveaway.

[First 30 people] kukuluLIVE Original Mini Eco Bag & Can Badge Set has already been sent to all eligible customers.
If you have not received it yet, please contact us.

[One person will be selected by lottery] Amazon gift certificate worth 10,000 yen with Kukupo account number [44114] won.

[5 people selected by lottery] Amazon gift certificate worth 5,000 yen with Kukupo account numbers [43926], [44000], [46436], [43862], and [45973] won.

The above winners have already been contacted by email.
If you have not received it, please contact us.

[Free gift for everyone] 3,000 Kukupo Stamp Rally was given to everyone who completed it.
"Campaign participation award" will be displayed on the statement.

Thank you for participating in this campaign.
Please join us next time! Thank you.

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